The Shikon jewel or Saving a life?

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I looked at my little brother. He had pass out. I was useless to him. I cant save him. What choice can I do? The Shikon jewel or my little brother life on the line? NO IT MUST BE ANOTHER WAY OUT! "I WOULD NEVER GIVE YOU THE SHIKON JEWEL!" "Oh? Is that so? Do you really love saving people? Do they save you back?" What? "What do you mean!?" He chuckled and laugh at me. He put my little brother down and he grabbed my throat. "Think very they try to save you? " I didn't say anything. I just look at him. "Just as I thought... You pathetic human girl... Priestess ...." He had stop talking. He looked at my little brother. He looked at the Shikon jewel. "You save them but do they save?" I do save them but...  "Weak human do not cure a evil soul. They do not die easily. Human beings are meant to be slave to us demons..."

I lower my head down. Naruko chuckled. "What's the matter? Feeling ashamed?..." "Shut up..." "Whats wrong? Do you hate being a reincarnation and being a priestess." "Shut up shut shut up..." "Oh my... Such mean words wrench..." "YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! WHY WON'T YOU UNDERSTAND US! I TRIED EVERYTHING TO UNDERSTAND US! BUT YOU WONT ACCEPT IT! YOU ARE A HALF DEMON RIGHT!?! YOU WANT MORE POWER! YOU WANT TO MAKE EVERYONE SUFFER! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THE SHIKON JEWEL!!! BUT IT AIN'T SAVING YOUR ASS!!!" "Keh! Die wrench!" He picked up my little brother and throw him off the cliff. He looked at me. He shoved me from the edge. The web around me has untangle me. I watch him getting smaller and smaller. While I was falling, I grabbed my little brother. Suddenly Naruko appeared next to us. He pulled out the Shikon jewel from my neck. " You have choosen to save his life. Thank you for the Shikon jewel wrench." He disappeared like always in midair.

I grabbed the edge of the cliff. Somehow I cut myself badly. As I climbed up I noticed that I left a trail of  blood. But I didn't care. Its a sacrifice to save his life. My little brother open his eyes and saw me. "B-b-b sister???" "Hi Giovanni... Don't look down." He climb on my back. He wrapped his arms around my neck. My little brother was glad I was safe. Until he noticed that the Shikon jewel isn't on my neck. "LILY IM SORRY THAT THE SHIKON JEWEL IS STOLEN FROM THE MEAN MAN!" I looked at him and laughed. "Oh him? He tooked the wrong one." Giovanni looked confused. "Big sister?" "He didn't took the Shikon jewel. He took a fake one." I remember making a small round objects for my project to add as decoration. So I painted it the same color as the Shikon jewel. But I forgot that I had it with me.

I let my little brother to climb up first. Since he is the youngest one in the family. He held my other arm so he can pulled me up. I got up there and sat the trees. I was excused from the day I had. I took something out of my pocket. It was the real Shikon jewel. My little brother looked at me. "What's wrong?" "Big sister? Why did you ran away?" I looked at him. I couldn't even say why. He was a small kid around 1 or 2. My dad has left us and Giovanni didn't remembered his own dad. "I-i do not know. Why... " Ugh I cant believe I lied to him...but my own dad scared me. My body had a reaction to run. My mind tell me to stop. I had made everyone worry. Inuyasha couldn't find my scent because I went to the water. "What kind of child I'm I?" "Big sister...?" I looked away and my little brother hugged me.  "Lily they cared about you. I want to find you so bad. But I got kidnap... They are looking for us." I smile.  We both laughed. "let's go home big sister." We got up but the problem was how do we get home.

I climbed up the trees as high as possible. When I got to the top I look everywhere to find our way home. Until I saw something very small red thing. I saw it fly everywhere. But who can the red thing be... I gasp and yelled at it. "INUYASHAAA!!!!!" I saw him disappeared. I was sad. "This is all my fault... I shouldn't have leave... " I cried in the trees, my little brother watch me cry. My only hope was Inuyasha but it has blown away in front of my face. Somewhere from far away Naruko was hiding in the cave. He toss things around. Killing animals who lived in the cave. He came out and yelled."DAMN YOU WRENCHED! HOW DARE YOU TO MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME! YOU WILL PAY! JUST YOU WAIT! IM GOING TO MAKE THIS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!" He can sense our fear. Our fear will haunts us forever. He has walk even further in the cave. You can barely tell. All you see is darkness and some blood. The blood from the animals that he just killed it.

I had an idea but it might be painful. I told my little brother to find a sharp rock. He questioned about it. I told him do not fear but I shall take us home. So we looked for a sharp rock. It wasn't long enough for us to find it. So I do not look and do not try it at all. I cut the tip of my finger. I forced it to bleed alot. If he can't not scent me. He have to scent my blood. But my blood had dried so I try it again tomorrow. It was getting late, I made my little brother sleep in the ground with sleeping bag that I bought. We slept together and dream that we will be found. Inuyasha and the rest was went back home. They will go even further to look for us.

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