Return home.....

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I looked at lady Kaeda. I started to laugh a lot. "Lily why are you laughing?" "For a second there you said im the New Priestess." She gave me a look and nodded yes. I stood there like a complete idiot. "WHAAT!?! I AM!?!" I was having a normal day like I always do until this happen.  But why me?  Wait a minute where's the half breed. He save me and I didn't get to say thank you. But sadly I didn't get a clear vision on him.

I looked at her and smile. We were chatting about who is Kagome and why do I looked like her. After a long chat, I started to feel hungry. I haven't ate since breakfast. Lady Kaeda offer me some bread and food. The bread taste good and the food was good as well. I started to feel sad. "Lily what's wrong?" A single tear came out and a clear my throat.

"How do I get home?" "Thats easy darling, you just go back where you came from." I smile and I gave her a hug. Then I left with the shikon jewel. While I was walking back where I had came from. I was in deep thought in the past."Kagome was a priestess and Inuyasha beloved.  But who is Inuyasha? Whoever he is I bet he was cute and strong for Kagome. Why was I chosen? Did Kagome didn't be cleared to the wish? Why did she chosen me? Im not the one... she should have chose my friends.

As I got there, I was ready to leave this strange world. I should have looked for him and give back his kimono. But I have to hide my wound before someone can notice it. I turn around one more time and no one is there. I jump down the well and close my eyes. Please bring me home. I felt the ground and I heard my family and friends calling my name. "EDITH! PLEASE BE OKAY!"

It was Jessenia voice... but she looked like she was crying alot when I was gone. Apparently EVERYONE were crying ever since. "Its been a day since she left!" My mother cry and I do not like it when she does. "MOM!JESSENIA!TAYLOR!DIANA!GIOVANNI!" They all looked down and the looks on there face were joy. "S-SISTER LILY!!!" As my little brother cried. Diana grabbed my hands and she pulled me up. Everyone hugged me and cried of joy. I cried along as well. Diana notice the red kimono on me and a jewel on my neck.

"Edith what's that on your neck? What are you wearing?" So they notice already... "I'll explain everything inside." We walk inside and we have been chatting since almost the whole day. Apparently there were legends about the shikon jewel. My friends were surprised about me being the priestess. "So did you ever found the guy who saved you?" I looked at Taylor and I gave her my answer." No... I haven't seen him."

They looked at at me. Did they believed me? Diana hug me and I hugged her back. "Well, I hoped its over...I don't think none of us are gonna sleep well." I looked sad again. "Im sorry guys its all my fault..." "Its isn't your fault. We didn't knew it was gonna happen." Jessenia didn't like when I blamed myself not even my friends. Then we went in the kitchen to cook dinner. I happy I came home.... but I wondered to the guy who saved me...

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