Kidnapped and missing still

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When my mom saw me. She rushed to hug me. "IM SORRY EDITH!" I smile and pat my mom head. "hehe... I'm fine." My friends almost hug me. "Keh... NO HUGS OKAY!" They all looked at me. Edith never say no to hugs.... She must have a rough time. "Lily...?" I turn around and puzzled. " Who's Lily.... I MEAN... Yes Inuyasha?" I ran up the room and locked the door. "LIL...!" I guess she is suffering from pain. Inuyasha slept on the couch. My friends went home or except for Cassandra. She slept on the bean bag. CRASH! My little brother woke up. I wasn't in bed but he saw my room as a mess. "it wasn't like this...Lily?" "HEHE... Giovanni do you love your big sister... You will do anything for her..." Giovanni got scared. "BIG SISTER!!! WHY YOU DESTROY YOUR ROOM?! MAMA GONNA KILL YOU FOR THIS!"

"Then I will kill her first!" My little brother has a fear on me. "big sister snap out of it." "ALL OF YOU ARE FOOLS! YOU THINK IM EDITH! WELL IM NOT! THE NAME IS NARUKO!" HE TOOK FORM AS MY SISTER! BUT WHY!? "Where's my sister!?" My little brother tried to run away from him. But Naruko grabbed him with his hands. He cried out loud for help. "INUYASHA! MAMA! SISTER! BROTHER! HELP ME!" Cassandra came up the stairs and crash the door down with a baseball bat. "WHATS WRONG GUYS?!" She saw Naruko and my little brother. "WHERE'S EDITH!!?!" Naruko looked her and crash the window. "SHE IS STILL MISSING. I TOOK A FORM OF HER. ALL I NEED IS THIS LITTLE BOY." He jumped out the window with Giovanni. "SAVE ME...!" He disappeared with Naruko. "GIOVANNI!!!" Inuyasha came and yelled. "WHAT HAPPEN!? WHERE'S LILY AND GIOVANNA!" Cassandra turn around. She got up. She started to walk forward to him. "Edith is still missing. Naruko took her little brother..."

"Idiot...THAT CANT BE TRUE! I BROUGHT HER HOME... " Cassandra pushed him in the wall. "YOU DONT CARE ABOUT HER PERSONALITY! YOU CARE ABOUT HER BEING REINCARNATION OF THIS KAGOME! YOU DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HER INSIDE BUT ONLY HER OUTSIDE APPEARANCE! SHE HAVE BEEN PAIN ALL HER LIFE AND THIS ONE GIRL CAN'T DO IT ALONE! WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU HER OR THE DEAD GIRL! SHE NEEDS SOMEONE TO LEAN ON TO HER!" Cassandra storm off to the room and slam the door. Inuyasha was standing there and looked at the broken pieces of glass. I only cared about Kagome reincarnation...? I have guess I do... But.... She is different from Kagome... "........In.......uyasha....." I was regaining my vision. I had passed out from running away. I looked around. " head." I had must have trip on the roots and bump my head into the tree. I gasp and looked at my neck. I was relieved.

Around my neck, the Shikon jewel was still there. "Please leave me be guys. I don't want them to be in danger. " I looked everywhere. I saw lots of snow coming down from the sky. Something pop up in my mind. I forgot it was gonna be a snow storm. "someone please protect my family..." I noticed the big empty hope in the oak tree. I crawl in there and curl up as a ball. I was able to fit. I looked outside and I have fallen asleep. In the morning, families and friends are looking for me. "LILY! WHERE ARE YOU!" Diana come up and yelled. "PLEASE COME BACK GIOVANNI!" Their were no luck at all to find me. "c-cold..." Tylee put a warm blanket on her. "Babe get back in the home. " Taylor smiled and left inside for warmth. My big brother loves the cold so he have no problem with it. "DEDE! GIOVANNI! PLEASE COME BACK! " The search was still continue from yesterday. No luck from me or my little brother.

They search all of our places. They asked for people. But no sight of me and my little brother. They were getting more worry and afraid. Its like some just stab them in the heart. Inuyasha is flying everywhere like super man. But its like a 10 or 15 seconds in the air. I have no idea where I am. I have no signal. My little brother..... I don't no idea what just happen to him. Nobody has find us the whole day. They haven't sleep very well. They will try again tomorrow. Inuyasha refuse to rest so he is on his on to look for us two. "COME BACK LILY! GIOVANNI! NARUKO I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU LAY ON HAND ON HER OR HER LITTLE BROTHER!!!" He is not willing to sleep a bit. But he knew he have to rest. No sleep. You will usless to find someone.

I woke up and saw big pile of snow in my way. "wow... Its like a land full of cotton candy." I got out of the shelter from the tree. I want to forget the horrible memories that he left me. But for now, it haunts me. What I meant by he? Well he is my dad. He has always mistreated me and my mom. I never know why he hates me. Maybe because I might have done something wrong to make him hate me. But I have done nothing wrong. I grab my bow and arrows and went up north. I want my family safe. As I walk up. Something came crash at me. "EEK!" I dodge the attack. I turn around to who was it. I found a half piece of a demon body. It looked horrible. I was about to puke. I felt something behind me. Something was wrapped around me. A bunch a wasp grabbed me. But its not a originally wasp. Its a different type of wasp that I never seen. "Hey let go of me!" It lift me off my feet. They were taking me somewhere else.

"STUPID WASP! I SAID TO LET ME..." But then they dropped me in the air. "UWAAAHH!!! " I fell from the sky. "AAAAH!!! I TAKE IT BACK! I TAKE IT BACK!" I thought I fell to the ground but I was caught into the web. A web...? I jump off out of the web. "NARUKO!?!" A piece of web wrapped around my body."GYA...!" I pushed to the edge but at the same time it held me. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! I DO NOT WANNA DIE!" "Give me the Shikon jewel. And I shall put you down safely." He appeared at the middle of nowhere. "THERES NO WAY I WILL GIVE ME THE SHIKON JEWEL!!!" "NEVER!" He grin at me. "How about a trade...?" I looked at him. I gave him an anger look at him. But I was ready to yell once again. I saw something came out of his body. Its shape as a little boy. I had a cold feeling about it. I saw him come out. My body was full of fear. I tremble when I seen the boy. I knew who was he. "GIOVANNI!!!" I tried to move. I kicked over and over again. Nothing has work. I screamed but it was hopeless. I had try everything but I feel useless. NO DONT DO THIS TO ME! SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE MY LITTLE BROTHER!!!

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