A Normal Day?... Or not

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My mom receive a call from our schools saying there is no school because of snow storm coming in. Inuyasha hugged me while we were asleep. I was use to sleeping next to him. It was like I was sleeping with my little brother. My mom was about to sleep but she received a call. She answer the phone. When she heard the voice, she dropped her phone. "I-it cant be..." Next morning my mother haven't said a word. Janet and Juan was worry but they know why. I came down stairs to get breakfast. Inuyasha was still sleeping including my little brother. "GOOD MORNING GUYS!" None of them answer and I immediately know something is wrong. "Mom,Janet, Juan is there something wrong!? Please tell me." I don't like when my friends and family don't  tell me nothing. "WHAT'S WRONG!?!" Juan looked at me. "Im sorry Dede but we can not tell you..." "Why won't you tell me! Tell me please!"

My sister got up and hugged me. "Im sorry but we can't tell you." I cry and yell at them." Why won't you tell me... you do know im always worried." I ran to my room. I went to the bathroom and locked it. I sob and cry, it hurts not knowing what is wrong with them. I heard a knock on my door. " LILY IS EVERYTHING IS OKAY!?" It was Inuyasha. I had made him worry again. I wipe my tears and came out. "Good morning Inuyasha! Im sorry I made you wait. You can take a bath if you want." He said okay. He went in to take a bath. As soon I heard the door closed, I let my tears went out. Why won't they tell me.


I turn and I was pulled in for a hug. Inuyasha was shirtless. I felt his abs against my body. He squeezed me but it hurt my breasts a little. But I didn't care. I blushed feeling his abs. "I-Inuyasha? Im fine." "No your not fine. Please let it out and tell me whats wrong." I cried in him. I put my arms around him. "My family won't tell me what is wrong with them." I kept crying and crying. "Is sister okay?" My little brother looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha told him it was a moment of pain. My little brother understand and went back to sleep. After I was better, I went out to shop. Inuyasha wanted to come but I told him to take my little brother to the mall. I gave him some money from my allowance.I left to buy groceries.

I looked at the grocery list. Until I received a call. "Hi." "Ummm.... do I know you?" "Oh it's seem you forgot about me.... Lily." I gasp and dropped my phone. Who was that... that voice cant be him.... no... he got deported to Mexico. I took a step back and I was in terror. Memories horrible memories that he left behind is coming back to me. I could remember all of them. The way he hurt me and my mom including our family. But mostly me and my mom. NO....NO...NOOOO!!! MAKE THEM STOP! NO MORE BAD MEMORIES! I Screamed at the whole store. "NOOO!!!! NO MORE BAD MEMORIES!" I ran off without carrying my things. I was afraid of him. I stopped and realize. "That bastard... Naruko. Did he fool me and play with my memory." It must be... yes. Its a trap to lured me in. Keh... im so stupid.

I went back to apologize. They gave my stuff back. I pay the food and went home. They looked concerned about me. But I must asked my family. Did Naruko tricked us or was it for real. I went on my normal day. I was meeting up with Cassandra. She was waiting at Starbucks. She told me to meet up there because I never been there. So I wave at her and she wave back. "Hey Edith! Nice to see you! Are you ready?" "Yeah. Im ready." So we went inside. "It smells like coffee." "Actually it is." We looked at each other and giggle. She went over there to get coffee. I was sitting down waiting for her. I saw Ace and Taylor walked pass by. They were holding hands. They looked at each other and smile. I know they are happy. I knew you found someone Tylee. You just gotta be patient. Cassandra came back carrying our order. "Let's go." "Okay." We left the place and went to the park. I took a sip on my cup." Taste good." "See I told you it would be good." We laugh and chat. "BIG SISTER!" Cassandra pointed at my little brother. "GIOVANNI! WHERE INUY..." "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" Its seems that Giovanni had teach him how to play hide and go seek. So we told Inuyasha to find us as well so he went back to count. He will find our scent but dogs probably dog demon can't scent us in water.

I walk through the water and hide up the trees. He will never find me. Cassandra was in the bushes. Last person was Giovanni. He hides behind the slide. When Inuyasha was ready, the first person was found. "HOW!? " "I could see you. " Inuyasha smile. He looked for me and Cassandra. I was up in the trees looking at mini Inuyasha. I can see everything small. It made me laugh. Later on Cassandra was found. "well I have to go. Good luck finding Edith." I saw her left and I waited. I took a nap in the trees. "Zzz...Inuyasha...." Inuyasha looked until something  hit him in the head. "ow." He looked down and saw a phone. Its Lily phone. He looked up. He saw me sleeping on the tree. "WHAT THE HELL! HUMANS CAN'T SLEEP IN THE TREE! CAN THEY!?" He climb up the tree. When he reach there he lift me up. I was tired from today.  Its seems odd to be in the illusion of my nightmare. Later in the noon, I received a call. Its the same number who has been calling me.

I woke up in my bed.  I was home alone. Inuyasha left with my brothers. My sister went to the spa to calm our mom down. I answer the call and listen what the guy say. He left me a voicemail. I listen to it. "Lily... I thought you would live me...." "Edith I'm back!..." Cassandra came back to have a sleepover with me. I didn't reply back. "HEY EDITH ARE YOU IN HERE!" I didn't reply back again. Cassandra turn in the light and yell my name once more in worry. "EDITH! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! COME OUT!!!" She looked around in my home. There was no sign of me. Lastly it was my room, Cassandra slam the door. She saw a figure and thought it was me. Then she noticed it was pile of clean clothes. Cassandra dashed and pick up the phone. "MISS RAMIREZ! ITS YOUR DAUGHTER! SHE'S NOT HERE! THE WINDOW WERE BROKEN! "

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