Vision or a Dream?

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I was home alone no one was here. I look out the window. Its a busy town. So I decided to rest for awhile. I close my eyes and let the dreams come to me. But its no dream of mine I had. While I was dreaming, I see this girl. She was walking with this boy. They seem to enjoy to each other. Side by side like couples would do. They always hug each other. But then things change. This random guy came to her. He was saying that the boy she likes only came to protect her from bully's.

As soon she heard it, she raced to see him. She was yelling at him with anger but mostly in pain. She liked him. He looked at her. I heard him saying the truth about it. "Yes... I did... Kate..." Kate...who is she? What's going on? I tried to wake up but my eyes are glue shut. I think someone or something is telling me to see this. I remained patient. I saw her came out of the building. We were up stairs of the roof. Her make up looks all jacked up. She looked to the left. Her eyes where on me. She looked back and took a step forward.

"HEY DONT DO THAT!" She can't see me or hear me. "K-KATE DONT!!!" Each step she take I get louder every time. The thought I had that she is going have a tragic death. I raced to her and hold out my hands. She went through me. I was like a ghost to her. Then I saw her fall off the school. I collapsed in the ground. "N-NO..." I put my hands on my head. "NOOOOO!!!!" I woke up in sweat and fear. I was breathing hard. I got off of bed walking like crazy around my room. "OMG OMG IS IT A NIGHTMARE OR WHAT!?" I went down stairs to get the glass of water. I couldn't even think right. All I know is she is in my school. I need to find her before it's to late. So I waited for my mom to return home. I took my notebook out and study.

~Inuyasha world~

Shippo kept staring at Inuyasha. "Oy Inuyasha... Who is this girl?" "None of your business." He jumped in but nothing has work still. "ARG! THIS IS FRUSTRATING!" Shippo wants to know who is the girl did he love but most importantly why he always brake women's hearts. He told Shippo to wait there while he asked for lady Kaeda. Shippo nodded. He sit on the well waiting for the half demon to come back. He looked down at the well. The same old well he seen. "I wonder who's this girl..."

Crack! Crack! CRACK!!!

"UWAHH!!! INUYASHA IS STUPID FOR MAKING ME WAIT!!!" Shippo has fallen into the well. A light began to glow. Since then Shippo wasn't noticed. Inuyasha came back and call out Shippo name. "OYYY SHIPPO!" No sign of Shippo around or near the well. There's not a scent of him.  "Idiot kid... I need to figure a way out." Shippo was falling down the well. "UWAHHH HELP ME!!!" Sooner or later his face hit the ground. He was cover in dirt. "INUYASHA! HELP ME UP!" There were no response back. He kept repeating it. I come outside to take a walk. I heard noises in the shed and turn around as fast as I could. Did he came.... HOW HE BROKE THE SPELL!?  I wanted to see him but my body made me ran away. I didn't look back. I ran to my room and locked the door. I hope he wasn't able to scent. I hide underneath the blanket. "Please don't find me..."

Shippo come out of the well. "This isn't outside." He leap out of the well. His tiny paws tried to open the door. But I have locked it. "Open up! Inuyasha has to pay for this!" He looked at the left. There's a small hole. Shippo went in there and he pop out. "OOF!" He looked up and saw a home. A home that has a garden. He had entered my home. "This is quite strange place." He looked everywhere. "Where am I?" I could hear the voice in my home. I heard a glass broke. "UWAH! IT HURTS!" I grabbed my bows and arrows. I open my door silently as possible.

I came downstairs slowly. Someone or something is in my home... I took a breath and jump out. "STOP RIGHT THERE! IF DO YOU NOT WISH TO STOP I WILL KILL YOU!" I see a little fox demon. "K-KAGOMEEE!!!" He leaped on to me and hugged me. I was suprise about him. "EH?!?" "I'm not Kagome..." He looked at me and cry. "WAAAAAH KAGOME!!!! THIS IS A REINCARNATION OF YOU!" He kept crying and crying. I don't like when someone cry. "Hey...don't  be sad...there there." I treated him like a baby. He calmed down a bit.

I look at him and smile. He feel calmer later on. I was making tamales for lunch. He was sitting down waiting for me. He looked at me. I look on top of the fridge and grab a box of cookies of chocolate chips. I open it to grab a piece. Then I gave him the whole box. He grabbed it and ate it. His eyes grew wide and he smile so big. "THIS IS SO GOOD!" He munching and crunching on it. I gave him a glass of milk. He sniff it and drink it.

He smile at me. I smile back. We both laughed at the same time. He looked at me. "Oy what's you name?" I look at him. "My name?" He nod his head. "My name is Edith... But you can call me Lily." He's gonna say my name wrong. "E-edith?" I quickly turned and race to him. I hug him with joy. "Yes! That's it!" I can tell that he blushed a little. I rub my check against his. I was happy that someone is with me. I put him down. He yawn.

"It's nap time." I pick him up to sleep. I put him in my bed. We sleep together side by side. But then I had the same dream as about Kate. The same dream has played over and over again. Once again I can not wake up from this tragic death. I saw her in my dream. She was in the same school as me. But why did this dream pop up to me. I scream and try to wake up. Shippo was shaking me to awaken. I get up in bed breathless. I was gasping for air. I was sweating like crazy. What's going on with me? .....I need to find her NOW! Shippo looked at me. "LILY!?! YOU SCARE ME! DONT DO THAT!" I saw tears in his eyes. He was afraid of me screaming. I hugged him and slept. Tomorrow I shall look for her before it is to late.

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