The Search of Kate

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The next school morning, I got off of bed to leave for school. I look at Shippo. He was still sleeping. I brushed my hair and I heard something. I turn around to see what's going on. Shippo wasn't there so I thought he left for breakfast. I forgot to tell my mom about him. I'll explain to her later. I got ready and left. But I came back to get an apple. I was walking with my friends. We were talking about my vision or a dream. "So you are telling us that you had a vision or dream about this girl name Kate?" I nodded my head. "Edith, I think you are the same situation as her." "But how?" "This girl you spoke of.. name Kate? I seen her before." I looked at Diana. I asked her where did she seen her. How could I get to her. She told me the answer. "She's near to your class but she leave fast to catch up to her crush. Her crush named is David." That's all she know. So when we got to school, I looked for her. I know what she looks like from my dream. She is kinda my height, peachy color,light brown eyes, black hair in a pony tail, a purse with pink polka dots. I heard rumors about this suicide thing. "It's all my fault..." I saw him talking to his friends. So I pay close attention to him. The bell rung everyone went to class. I was rushing to class until I trip and fell.

I quickly got up and left to class. I have a small bruise but doesn't look bad. I heard a rustle noise in my book bag. I open my book bag to see what it was. I saw a bushy tail. Until I saw him pop up. It was Shippo. He was gasping for air. I whisper to him. "Shippo what are you doing here?" He look at me. "I wanted to follow you." I told him this is school where people learn things. I wasn't really pay attention to the lesson. Until I heard the word love, relationship, weddings and couples. I pay attention this time. Including Shippo. "Now class can someone please tell what's love is?" Some boy raise there hand. "Love is when you buy things for a pretty girl. Example Edith is a pretty girl." I gave him the glare. Im the pretty girl for Inuyasha. As soon I remembered Inuyasha my heart sank. At the same time it was pounding. I look down at Shippo... EHHH!? SHIPPO IS WANDER OFF SOMEWHERE!!! The bell has rang for lunch. I skip lunch and went looking for Shippo. "SHIPPO-CHAN!!!" I went up stairs looking for Shippo. "SHIPPO WHERE ARE YOU?!?"

I went to the hallways yelling out his name. No sign of him. I was about to give up until someone bump into me. Thump! "Ugh... HEY WHATS THE BIG IDEA...?!?" I saw a girl looking at me with a messy make up. Messy makeup?... KATE! I was ready to say something but she looked at me. "I-Im sorry! I should go away!" She ran upstairs that says "the roof". I ran after her. The door was locked and I saw her walking to her death. I barge in the door a couple of times. Until I heard a crack on the door. I ran all the way to Kate to stop her. "KATE!!!" She didn't hear me. I grab her arm and she looked at me. "LET ME GO! I WANNA DIE!" "IDIOT! NO I WONT LET YOU! YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON!" She looked at me. "What do you mean?" "I don't think he was here to protect you from bully's... He saw him today...I heard him saying about things about you.... Nice things... " She blushed and turn at the edge. "Tell him I love him all this time when I met him..." She took a step but then I ran to stand in front of her. I was middle in the edge and Kate. She look at me with the tears in her face. Her eyes were very red. "Why are you getting in my way? Do you want to die with me?" I looked at her.

Do I want to die??? Inuyasha hurt me with the truth just like David... But why did I see that vision? Did it tried to prevent me to commit suicide? I think that's the reason why. Kagome... Are you the one who show me the vision? "Yes...I knew you might be thinking to kill yourself... Knowing the truth can cause great pain and makes us to commit suicide." Thank you Kagome...for watching over me. "Same here... Lily... Now save her life." I look at her once again and say my answer. "I do not neither as you." "What do you mean?" " He said that he loves you and wanted to be with you." "D-David loves me...?" She went on crying and crying. The tears was unstoppable to keep them in. "People care for you and they love you. Are you trying to end your life being so young? Not knowing your future will be?" "N-No... I don't..." She smiled at me with tears of joy.

"Thank you... Who are you..." "Edith or you can call me Lily..." I thought nobody die today but I was wrong. I was gonna die. I heard a crack on the edge. I fell backwards but I didn't tried to commit suicide. Part of the edge was old and my foot was on one of the old edge. It was so old that it can break easily. Kate looked at me with fear. She tried to grab my hand but I was falling like a rock. I heard her yelling at my name. "EDITHHHH!!!!!" I closed my eyes to welcome death to me. I was going to die. Inuyasha can't come over to save me... "It's my fault that Inuyasha isn't here... I love you..." I had tears flowing in me. The tears were flying in the sky. My hair was flying everywhere as fast as the speed of light. I can still hear Kate yelling my name. I don't want her to follow my death. "It's all my fault...I shouldn't have put a spell that prevent Inuyasha to come here."

Before I could die I had the last thought of Inuyasha. He was holding me in his arms. I can feel his warmth around me. I don't want to end my life not knowing if he is saying sorry to me or the way he might act. Who's gonna protect the jewel. Family? Friends? What gonna happen if I'm not there? "TRANSFORMED!!!" I landed something big and soft. Its like a giant pink cotton candy. "Nng...I-Inuyasha...?" I slowly open my eyes until I heard a voice. "I SAVE HER JUST IN TIME!" That voice... I got up and yell out his name. "SHIPPO YOU SAVE ME!?!" "MOM YOUR OKAY!!!" I stared at him. Did he just called me mom? "Mom?" He landed me down safely and transform back. "I mean Lily... Right mommy...ARH!" I smile. He told me that he was an orphan. His dad died from a demon. He never knew his actual mother. I knew what the right thing to do. "Call me mom, Shippo." He looked at me and leap into my arms.

"MOMMY!!!" I hugged him saying I love you. I was called a mother once so I'm use to it. My little brother was the one who called me mom. I was watching over him since he was a baby. My mom has to leave work every time because my dad is too lazy to do it. Lazy enough not to feed us. I was the little mom for him. I loved my family. Now Shippo was mine. I am the mom for him. I will love him like a mother would. "I love you Shippo." "I love you mommy. "

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