Fixing a heartbroken friend

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Inuyasha woke up in the middle of the night. He couldn't stop thinking about him groping my breasts. He looked at me. I was in my pj while holding the stuff bear he gave me. He groped them again. I didn't felt it my boobs being groped. Once im out, im out for good. My little brother starred at him. "Umm... what are you doing to sister Lily?" He was blushing alot and took his hands off. "I-i was tucking her in bed."Giovanni ask him to sleep on my bed. He blush of shyness and shook his head. "Don't you think she will get mad?" He whispers to Giovanni. "No what makes you think that she let me sleep with her." Inuyasha sigh and went in my bed. Please don't get mad.

I drop my bear and I was rolling to look for it. I felt something next to me so I thought it was my bear. So I grabbed it and curled up as a ball. I didn't grab my bear. I grabbed Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked at me and blushed. Lily!?  "Li..." He remains silent. He seems to enjoy it. He held me in his arms. "Inu...yasha..." Inuyasha ears went up. Did she called my name? He kept me warm with his body on me. The whole night he had held me the whole time. The alarm went on and I got up." Yawn... hey Giovanni get up its...EH!?!" I was shocked that Inuyasha was sleeping next to me on my bed. I turn red full of embarrassment. I looked at my waist. Its seem that he held me the whole night. I smile and brush his hair. I got up ready for school. I looked at Inuyasha. "I'll be back Inuyasha. Please do not worry. Protect my family when im gone. " So I left for school, while I was walking my friends came rushing to see me.

"Hey Edith!" "Hey guys!" "What happen to Tylee?" I turn and remains silent while they talk. " I heard a girl rejected him at the mall." "Poor Ace..."  I feel sorry for him. But I told the truth. I was being honest. Honest can set you free but sometimes it will cause pain as well. "She must be a..." " a bitch." They looked at me puzzled. I looked straight at them. "I was the one broke him..." "But why!?" They all yelled at me. "I loved Inuyasha. I told the truth. I love Inuyasha. I really do." "KWAIII!" Diana jump on in me and hug me. Everyone looked happy so I smile back. They are happy for me... but I have to fix Tylee. Inuyasha woke up and he looked around my room. He noticed that I disappeared from my bed.

He got up and went back to his own world. I was in class now waiting for Tylee until I saw him. He looked all sad and looked depressed. Everyone was laughing at him. They were saying mean things to him. What have I done... "Hey! Leave him alone!" They all looked at me. "Oh... the good girl is here." My friends came up and argue to them. "IDIOT STOP TEASING HIM!" "YEAH! HE WILL FIND LOVE!" The principle slam the door and yell at us. "ENOUGH! EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" We all sat in our seats and remains silent. "Im sorry im late students." Our teacher came in and started the lesson. I looked out the window and I was in deep thoughts.

Inuyasha... how are you doing back home... I want to know more about you... "Edith answered this question!" "21!" I yelled at the whole class. "Correct!" The teacher turned around and she continues the lesson. It was lunch time and my friends sat around Tylee. "Tylee... im sorry..." He looked at me and hug me. Nobody saw us because my friends are like the wall. "Edith I love you... please be with me and leave that bitch alone." I try to not to yell at him for saying that Inuyasha is NOT a bitch. "No sorry but I do not accept your feelings for me. I only think of you as a friend." I tried to pull him off of me. He wouldn't let me go. "EDITH PLEASE! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART... PLEASE DUMP HIM AND BE WITH ME!!!" I looked at him and push him out the way. "N-no! I told you already! I LOVE INUYASHA ONLY HIM AND NO ONE ELSE!"

I blushed when I said it. "Only him... I love Inuyasha..." "YOU BARLEY KNOW HIM! YOU KNOW ME LONGER THAN HIM!" He grabbed my shoulder and shook me. I was afraid of him now and I screamed at him. "STOP IT! YOUR HURTING ME!" My friends tried to pull him off. But he had a strong grip on me. Some classmates tried to help to. But they couldn't stop him. I looked at his eyes. They weren't normal at all. Someone is controlling him. "TYLEE STOP IT! YOU ARE BEING UNDER A MIND CONTROL!" His voice change into a deep voice."Heh heh heh... so you finally realize... took you long enough to figure it out." He threw my friends off of him including the classmates. "ACE STOP IT!" He grabbed my neck and lift me up. "GYA!" *cough cough cough* I struggle to be free. "He is unable to hear you... he is gone." He tossed me across the cafeteria.

My body hit in the wall. "Ow!" He came towards me. Oh no... how im I supposed to save him... He grabbed my throat again. "Nng... let go Ace... I don't want to hurt you." I was still wounded from Naruko. Taylor came up and hugged him from behind. "Ace stop it! I know your lonely! BUT DON'T HURT EDITH!!!" "TELL ME WHY NOT HURT HER! SHE REJECTED ME, IT HURTS ME SO BAD! SO I'M HAVING MY REVENGE!" He squeezed my throat, I was unable to breathe. "*cough cough* you hate me now...?*cough cough wheeze cough*" I didn't want to black out. I want to help save him. "I HATE YOU EDITH! DIE!DIE! DIEEEEE!!!" My eyes fill up with tears. "This is not the Ace I know..." He looked behind his back.

I looked at Taylor. I wasn't alone crying. She was always crying. "Please put her down..." "GIVE ME A DAMN REASON WHY! WHY SHOULD I PUT HER DOWN!" "I LOVE YOU TYLEE!" "I NEVER REALIZE HOW DEEP I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Then everyone is silent. Then I felt his hand shaking. "WHY SHOULD BELIEVE YOU... YOUR JUST SAYING IT TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER...!" I started to see things. Damn I my vision getting blurry. "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" Taylor kept repeating it over and over. Until Ace was starting to come back. " me...?"  "Yes I do..." His eyes change back to normal and put me down. I cough and I wheeze. I was gasping for air. Tylee hugged Taylor and he was saying he was sorry. "It isn't your fault Ace...*cough*" I got up and looked at him. "Im sorry I hurt you. But I was telling the truth." We all did a group hug. But what bothers me the most is who did this to Ace... "DAMN! HE HAVE FAIL ME! No worries... I still have more time." "I, Naruko, will never fails."

I came home hiding the marking that Ace left me. Inuyasha came behind me and hugged me from behind. "LILY I MISS YOU!" I turn and we hugged. "Oh Inuyasha... I miss you more than you can miss me." He blush. He hugged me almost an hour. "Dede its time to eat." "Be right there Juan." So we left to eat. Inuyasha was still staring at something but what  Night has come and we went in bed. I was fast asleep. Inuyasha woke up and groped my breasts again. He smiled and thought. I have been spending to much time with Miroku.

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