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A/N: I have planned a playlist with all the songs that happen in this story. What do you say? Would you like that?

Enjolras POV

A week since the incident in the Café. Annelise and I had made up. She also celebrated her 18th birthday. We met up in the Café, as no one else hasn't arrived yet. We were talking about the future. Which was followed by yet another argument, that I started, per usual.

"You need to go. It is dangerous for you."
"I do not care. For better or for worse - I will be at your side."
"Go and leave.", I yelled.

I hated to yell at Annelise. She didn't deserve it.

"I love you. What about you? It is time to wake up and stop pretending to be a prince and start to be the prince you once were.", she said, before storming off.

She was right. I used to be a happy prince. When I met Annelise, I was broken, but there was a time before that when I was truly happy. It was when I was just a few years old.

It was a time where my mother would sing me to sleep and the world would be safe. My mother, a beautiful woman, was divorced, for the woman that was now waiting for my father's death.

I miss her terribly. Annelise had traits of her, those similar traits they both did. Annelise would blow her fallen hair out of her face. My mother used to do the same. Annelise's face would light up when good news was presented. So was my mother's.

I sat down at the table. I have waited so long to speak up against all the injustice. Why not earlier? I could've done so much more if I would've opened my mouth earlier. But no, I remained silent, as I always have.

Annelise was the cause for all this. She had woken me up from the nightmare that was my life. She showed me all the injustice that I was just too blind to see. She gave me so much and I argued and angered her.

I could hate myself for all of this. I had the document still in its box. If I were to sign it, the problems would go away. I could divorce Maria and marry Annelise, or would they?

I had a fully loaded gun and I would use it in a Revolution against my father. Thousands of people would die, would their deaths be worth all this?

It's the doubting that made me feel sick to my stomach.

"I've waited so long for this moment. But even now, I don't feel prepared. Is this reality or only a dream. Or is my fight finally beginning?"

I got out of my chair and walked around. I build up a small group with believers. They needed me. I couldn't let them down.

"The time has come where deeds and words no longer count. The time has come where hesitations can't be allowed. Whether it's right or not -- from now on I'll follow the voice that speaks to me."

"Because the vision before me is so clear and even dreams can sometimes come true. But it requires strength and leadership. It requires the courage to act.
From now on I'll forge a completely new path. From now on nothing will be impossible."

"The time has come when deeds and words no longer count. The time has come when I can no longer return to what was. It'll succeed, or not -- but now I'll fight with all my determination. for a future in this country. There's so much put on my shoulders. But it requires the will to fight. It requires the courage to act. What counts is willingness and leadership. It requires the courage to act."

I was going to lead this Revolution against my father. I was no longer the sad prince, but a proud Revolutionary, a man that lived to change.

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