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The glorious ball of the century. That's what the newspaper said. Someone...Raphael.....was a blabbermouth. And now, all of Paris knew about it. We had the occasional letters asking for an invite coming in but either threw them away or answered that it was a mistake.

I would panic when a great number of people would squeeze into this small house. It depends on what you consider as small though. We had a small living area, a small kitchen, and upstairs bedrooms.

If you walked past the kitchen, you'd come to the ballroom and the terrace into the garden. Still, I felt like suffocating with many people around. Bastien hated the attention. Raphael, my oh so smart uncle, decided to shout it out in public, letting everyone know about it.

"Look, don't be mad at Courf."
"Raphael should've just shut up."
"Yes, he should. But what's done is done.", he said.

He was right. There was no way we could undo this. We just had to move on. Tim had helped us with disposing of the letters. He loved ripping stuff up. And he had a lot of fun with it.


"We should be getting ready."
"Getting ready for the ball?", he asked with a sleepy voice.

He had taken a small nap. He was exhausted. I didn't blame him. I must admit that I was also a bit weary.

"Did he eat enough?"
"Yes. He was a good boy."
"Perfect.", he said, rubbing Timothy's belly.

I ushered him out of the room.

"Why can't I get to watch you get ready? It's not like I haven't seen it before."
"I want to surprise you."
"Surprise me? I'd rather stay here and watch you get dressed. You know, just in case.", he said with a smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. Your son needs to be dressed. Can you do it please?", I asked.

He nodded and lifted the little, a bit sleepy boy. They left and I locked the door.

"Come on, really?", he asked.
"Yes, now move before the guests arrive."

I put on my corset and the panniers. Afterward, I put on a silky petticoat. I had the corset tied up really tightly, enough to breathe. I put on the final layer of clothing, a silky gown that Bastien loved. It was red and matched his burgundy red jacket perfectly.

For accessories, I chose my engagement ring and some pearl earrings. I never took down my pearl necklace and the necklace with the ring from Bastien. I always kept them close, close to my heart.

The dressing takes me about 15 minutes.

"Are you ready?"
"Not yet. I want to look perfect."
"How can someone so perfect, look even more perfect?"
"I don't know. How do you do it?", I asked.

"Timothy misses his mama."
"Timothy loves his papa."
"I can't wait to see you tonight."


The guests have arrived. Timothy was already the center of attention. Bastien was already greeting everyone. I came downstairs.

"I am sorry for letting you wait. Bonsoir Monsieur Pontmercy. Madame Pontmercy."

"Madame, we are most- uh-", he stuttered.
"We are most happy for the invite. Thank you.", his lovely wife said.

"You make things really hard for me."
"You in this dress. That's all I say."
"So you like it."
"Like it? If I could, I'd tear it off you in front of everyone."

I gasped. I never heard him talk like that.

"Pardon me?"
"Sorry. That was my passion."
"I will tend to the other guests.", I said, moving away from him.

That was weird. He never said things like that. Especially not around other people. I greeted the guests and took Timothy off Delilah's arms. He looked wonderful, like a little gentleman. Unlike his father just a few seconds ago.

"Madame, you look rather ravishing tonight."
"Thank you. And you are?"
"Monsieur Elias Palvion. It's an honor meeting you.", he said, kissing my hand.

I saw Bastien looking and he was mad.

"I don't remember. I am sorry."
"You can't. We have never met."
"How did you find out about this ball then?"
"Your brother?"
"Brother? Which one?"

"He's my uncle."
"Oh pardon me, Madame. I had no idea."
"I must attend the other guests if you'll excuse me.", I said, walking past him.

I walked through the hall, trying to find Bastien. Timothy was getting very angry and he kept pulling on my hair. It would only be a matter of time before my hair fell apart.

"Bastien, there you are?"
"Had fun flirting?"
"Flirting? Did you drink?"
"No, but I wish I had. You were flirting with him."
"I was not. It was a normal conversation.", I yelled.

"I am done.", he said, walking past me.
"What does that mean?"

I handed Timothy to Delilah, following him.

"Where do you think you're going?", I asked.

He was not stopping. He was not listening. And I was getting hotter and hotter, the number of people made the room feel worse. It felt harder to breathe and the room began to spin. I kept walking and black dots appeared in front of my eyes.

It wasn't until I passed out. My hearing disappeared and my eyes closed.

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