
651 28 4

Demi | Mature

I tried to keep my tears at bay as I stared down at the photo of Isaiah.

I tried to keep my tears at bay as I stared down at the photo of Isaiah

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I can't believe that my baby is starting Kindergarten today. Where did the last 5 years go? Why do children have to grow so fast? It should be illegal.

I lifted my hand to wipe the tears from my cheeks as Kobe rolled over in bed. I hoped that my quiet crying and constant sniffles hadn't woke him.

"Good morning, Beautiful" his husky voice had me stirring below the waist.

"Morning, Baby."

"What you looking at?" he leant into me and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. I lightly giggled as he pressed kisses all the way up to my cheek. "Did he really used to be that tiny?" I nodded, a sad smile spreading across my face as I tried to hold back my tears. "Your cheeks are wet. You been crying?" I rolled my eyes as Kobe pressed another kiss to my cheek.

"My baby is starting Kindergarten" I glanced to Kobe with a pout. He lightly chuckled as he leant in to give me a kiss.

"He's going to grow up, Babe. It's the way of life" I rolled my eyes and pulled my eyes from his, glancing back down at my phone. I quickly wiped away my fallen tears and turned to lower my phone down onto my nightstand. Kobe ran his hand along the inside of my thigh. I turned to him, biting down on my lower lip as his finger lightly grazed my covered slit. "What time is it?" my body turned into jello as he began to gently nibble and suck on my weak spot.

"Like 5" I gasped as his finger pushed through the barrier of my lace pyjama shorts.

"So, we have time then?" I nodded, watching as his lips tugged into a smirk and his eyes twinkled with a need. I suddenly needed him too, like now. I ran my hands down his naked chest and began to eagerly tug at the waistband of his lounge pants. "Someone's eager" I threw my leg over his waist and climbed onto his lap once he laid back on the bed. I leant down to brush my lips with his and I moaned into the kiss as his hands palmed my ass. He managed to tug down his lounge pants enough to release his erection which pressed against my thigh. "Fuck" he moaned as I wrapped my hand around his length. I moved my pyjama shorts out of the way, leaving enough of a gap for me to sink myself down onto Kobe's cock. His hands gripped my hips as I bounced on his lap, our tongues fighting for dominance. He pulled his lips from mine as I ran my fingers into his curls, tugging on a couple strands. "I love you" I stared down into his eyes as my stomach clenched, my vaginal walls clamping onto him.

"I love you too."

"Fuck, Baby. Move" his hip movements met mine and I sat up straight, my fingers running through my hair as Kobe's hands cupped my breasts. I began to quiver as his thumb lightly flicked my nipple. "Baby, I'm close" Kobe tensed beneath me a moment later as he came. I leant to press my lips to his to stifle my loud moans as I hit my own high. "I fucking love you" I giggled as I leant into him, my face nuzzling into his neck as we both tried to steady our breathing.


I lightly pushed open Isaiah's bedroom door and smiled at the sight of my handsome boy as he lay fast asleep in bed. He had his stuffed giraffe cuddled into his chest. He looks so innocent. I couldn't resist but to snap a photo. I didn't share it onto social media but I smirked at the fact that I could probably use it to tease him with when he gets older.

"Isaiah" I cooed as I lowered myself down onto the floor by his bed. "Good morning, Handsome" I ran my fingers through his hair as his eyes fluttered open. "We need to get you ready for your first day of school" his lips twitched into a smile as he rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, Mommy" I leant into him as he held his arms out.

"Morning, Baby" I pressed a kiss to his cheek as his arms locked around my neck. "Did you have a good sleep?" he nodded to my question as I ran my fingers through his curls. "Are you ready for your first day at school?" he nodded again, his smile enormous.

"Yeah. You think I'll make friends?"

"Of course, Handsome. You are the most loveable little boy ever" he giggled as I kissed his cheek. "You want to go downstairs and get breakfast while I wake your sisters?"

"We have daddy's waffles?"

"Just this once" I lightly tapped the tip of his nose. "But only because it's a special day. We won't be having them every morning, okay?" he nodded. I pressed a kiss to his cheek and then pushed myself up from the floor. "I'll meet you downstairs, Handsome" he nodded as I turned and headed from his room. I stepped up to the door opposite his and pushed it open. I smiled at Kyra who was already dressed and sat on the edge of the bed as she pulled on her socks. "Good morning, Baby Girl" she glanced up at me with a smile.

"Morning, Mommy."

"You ready for the first day back?"

"Yeah, I'm excited to see Tilly. I really missed her" the smile on my face widened.

"I'm sure she missed you too, Honey" she pushed herself up from the bed which I wasn't surprised to find had already been made. Kyra is so tidy. She is the complete opposite to what I used to be growing up. She is my easiest child so far, she is definitely my easiest daughter. "Go downstairs and get some breakfast. I'll sort your hair out when your finished, okay?" she nodded and stepped up to me. I stroked my fingers through her hair and leant to press a kiss to the top of her head. "Now, I need to wake Ayla."

"Good luck, Mom" I lightly laughed at Kyra's smirk.

"Thanks, Baby. I'm going to need it" I cupped her chin in my hand and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she giggled. I watched as she headed down the corridor and towards the stairs. I followed behind her and headed towards Ayla's bedroom. I gently pushed open the door and was not surprised in the slightest to find that Ayla was fast asleep. I headed towards her and perched myself on the edge of her bed. "Peanut" I cooed, gently stroking my fingers through her hair. She groaned as she woke, tugging her sheet up and over her head. "I don't think so, Ayla Mackenzie" I pulled her sheets back down.

"Why do we have to go to school?" she mumbled, her face shoved into her pillow so it was a little difficult to understand exactly what she had said. "Why so early?" I lightly laughed as I began to run my fingers through her hair.

"Because you need an education, Peanut."

"Why can I not be homeschooled like you were?"

"Because I want a better life for my kids" she removed her face from the pillow and I laughed at her pout. "It isn't going to work, Ayla. If you're not downstairs in 20 minutes, I'm sending your daddy in" she huffed as she sat up in bed.

"Fine. I'm up" I pressed a kiss to her forehead and then pushed myself up from the bed.

"I'll leave you to get dressed" she nodded as she rubbed her eyes. I headed from the room, smiling as I headed downstairs.


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