Twenty Seven

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"Momma?" I felt a light tug on my sleeve. I glanced down at Isaiah who was looking off into the distance.

"You okay, Baby?" I slid my fingers through his curls as he glanced up to meet my gaze.

"Are they taking photos of us?" my eyes followed his and I released a breath. I wouldn't say I've ever got used to having people pointing their cameras and phones at me but I tend to just ignore it. It doesn't phase me as much anymore.

"I think they might be" I sunk to Isaiah's level and lightly began to play with his curls. Isaiah hasn't really been exposed to paparazzi or the fact that I'm famous because I haven't really been that busy since he was born. I went on tour when Isaiah was like 2 but I haven't done much else since. I want to be present in my babies lives, and I'm getting older.

"Why?" his little eyes looked so confused.

"Because they know me, Baby."

"Why don't they say hi then?" I softly laughed at his innocence. "I don't like it. I don't know them, Mommy."

"I know, Handsome" I leant to press a soft kiss to his forehead.

We've been in New York for the last few days and I've already had various interviews and a book signing. I've found it crazy how many people have turned up for my signings. I didn't realise how high in demand I truly was.

Demi Lovato is seen out in New York with family

The 38-year-old was seen leaving Hamilton's in Brooklyn on Thursday afternoon after enjoying lunch with family. The singer is in town promoting her autobiography that was released May 12th.

"You've brought your adorable little family along with you" the smile on my face widened as I glanced back at Kobe and the kids who were sat behind the window of the studio.

"I have, they're my world" I met Kyra's gaze and her smile widened as I sent her a wink.

"How old is your oldest?"

"She's 10."

"You mentioned in your book that you wouldn't want your children to get into the industry at a young age like you did. Has she shown any interest in joining the industry?"

"I wouldn't wish the pressure I went through on anyone. Being a young girl in that sort of environment was very damaging and I've not been quiet about that. She has expressed interest but I won't let her pursue anything until she's older. I don't want her going through what I did. I want her to have a childhood before she starts a career."

"Do you feel like your childhood was taken from you?"

"It was, but for many different reasons. It wasn't just because I joined the industry. I had a very difficult childhood, some of which is mentioned in the book, but there are things that happened that I will never talk about."

"And you're entitled to your privacy" I flashed her a grateful smile. "In your book, you talk about the love that you found 10 years ago" the smile on my face widened. "And that smile says everything" my cheeks softly blushed as I laughed.

"People say that you know when you find the one, and I never realised how true that was until I met Kobe. One look in his eyes and I fell in love, but I'd not long just had my heartbroken, I had my daughter to think about and I was pregnant so I didn't want to rush into a new relationship. He stuck around and I'm so grateful for him. He helped to heal my broken heart and he brought up my daughters as if they were his own. Finding him made all the previous broken hearts worth it. You really have to search for the one and I'm glad I found it in Kobe" my cheeks felt on fire. I glanced back at my family and met Kobe's wide smile. "The love that I have for him is indescribable, it's everything I've always wanted."

We ordered room service when we got back to the hotel and spent most of the afternoon just watching movies and cuddling on the couch. That was until after we put the twins down to sleep at 7 and Kobe tugged me into the restroom.

"What Baby?" I softly giggled at his urgency.

"I have a surprise for you. Tiff's gonna watch the kids for us" he pressed a soft peck to my lips.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"You not understand the word surprise?" I rolled my eyes as a smirk tugged at his lips.

"You've known me for 10 years, you should know I ain't always the greatest with surprises" he cupped my face in his hands and once again pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss as my fingers played with his curls.

Tiff showed up at 7:30, Ayla already seemed aware of what was going on as she gave us the biggest smile as we left. Kyra and Isaiah were a little confused though and they asked multiple questions as we were walking out the door. I couldn't answer them though so Kobe was left to deal with that.

We arrived at our destination at 8 exactly and it wasn't until I climbed from the car that I realised where we were.

"How'd you like to dance under the stars?" Kobe's arms slid around my waist from behind as we stood in front of the yacht. My lips twitched into a smile as my heart melted.

"You're the most romantic guy I've ever been with" I turned around in his arms and caressed his face in my hands.

"Happy 10th Anniversary."

"You're a little early" he laughed as he leant to kiss me. "10 years and you still sweep me off my feet" Kobe's smile widened as my cheeks flushed slightly and my insides turned to mush, butterflies instantly beginning to flap around.

"You've made me the happiest that I've ever been" my heart had never felt so full.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Beautiful. Come on" he slid his fingers into mine and tugged me towards the yacht.

We spent hours under the stars, either curled up together or dancing to the gentle hum of music. This has without a doubt been one of the most romantic nights of my life.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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