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I woke to delicate kisses on my shoulder blade and I smiled at the sensations. It made my spine tingle but as amazing as it felt, the aching in my lower back completely overpowered it. I grumbled, my heart burst though as Kobe ran his hand along my belly.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my Angels" I ran my hand along his, interlocking our fingers.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

"I'll get the kids ready for school. You just rest, okay? We're going to have a relaxing Valentine's Day because I know how much you've been struggling, even though you haven't been telling me" I rolled my eyes as he hovered himself over me the best that he could without my large belly getting in the way.

"I love you."

"I love you too, get some more sleep" he leant to press a peck to my lips and then pushed himself off the bed. I watched him as he left the room, my hand subconsciously caressing my belly. It didn't take long for me to drop back to sleep, the small movements of my unborn babies a comfort.


"Daddy, is mom okay?" I turned to Kyra who had concern written across her face as she ate her breakfast. Ayla glanced up at the question, an identical look of concern on her face.

"She's just tired, Baby Girl, that's all."

"Because of the babies?"

"It's not the babies faults. It's just carrying around babies can be very tiring and we need to let mommy have all the sleep she can get" Kyra nodded and went back to her breakfast. I slid a pancake onto a plate, drizzled some syrup over it and some strawberries and then called Isaiah over. He slid onto the chair and tucked into his breakfast. I slid into the seat opposite Isaiah and leant back against the chair as I sipped on my coffee. "How was soccer practice last night, Ky?"

"I scored a goal" Kyra giggled and her cheeks tinted a light pink as I cheered.

"I'm proud of you" she shoved her face into her breakfast making me laugh. "When does competition season start back up, Peanut?" I smirked at the fact Ayla rolled her eyes at the nickname. She suddenly finds it so embarrassing.

"Not for a couple of weeks. We've started some new routines though and I think I'm doing a solo" the excitement oozing out of her made my smile widen. Ayla is an incredible dancer. It wouldn't surprise me if she made it her career.

"I'm proud of you too, and I'm excited to see you dance."

"Daddy, are you proud of me?" I glanced to Isaiah who had syrup all over his mouth.

"Of course I am. I'm proud of every single one of you" he giggled as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and then went back to shovelling pancake into his mouth. "You can slow down, Zay, nobody's going to eat your breakfast" Ayla and Kyra laughed at their messy little brother.

"Daddy?" I glanced back to Kyra.

"Yes, Angel?"

"What would happen if mommy has the babies now? Would they be okay even though they shouldn't come yet?"

"They'll be very little and they'll need a lot of help but babies born now normally grow to be healthy. Why do you ask?"

"Because I don't want mommy to be in pain anymore" I sadly smiled as Kyra glanced down at her breakfast. I didn't know what to say. I don't want Demi to be in pain either, but I also want my babies to come into this world fighting strong.

"Are you both finished with your breakfast?" they both nodded. "Go and grab your stuff for school, your lunches are in the refrigerator" they flashed me a smile and then slid from the table. I slumped back against the chair with a sigh, glancing up at Isaiah who was staring at me. "You finished, Bud?"

"Yeah, I'll go grab my stuff" he slid from his chair and I watched as he headed from the kitchen.


It was over an hour later that I went back up to see Demi after I'd dropped Ayla, Kyra and Isaiah off at school. I wasn't surprised at all to find that Demi was still asleep.

"Baby?" I lightly caressed the side of her face as I knelt on the floor beside the bed. She grumbled, her face scrunching up. I leant to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, smiling as she mumbled 'morning' under her breath. "Do you want any breakfast, Babe?"

"I want the toilet but my back hurts and I don't want to move" my heart ached at the defeat I could hear in her voice. "My back feels like it's splitting in half" I ran my hand along her belly and to her lower back which I began to massage with my fingers. I pressed a delicate kiss to her cheek.

"You want me to help you to the toilet?"

"Please" I pushed myself to stand, removing the sheet from around her legs but I froze. "Babe?" I swallowed hard, my heart suddenly beginning to hammer against my chest. "Kobe?" I could hear the panic in her voice but I couldn't pull my eyes away from the blood on the sheets. "Kobe, what's wrong?" I rapidly began to blink, trying hard to hold back my tears.

"You're bleeding, Demi."

"What?" she scrambled the fastest that she could off the bed. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth, a sob slipping from her lips. It wasn't much blood but it was enough to panic us.

"We need to get you to the hospital" I turned to Demi who was staring at the patch of blood on the sheets. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and the sight made my heart break. "Baby?" her eyes glanced up to meet mine, the heartbreak in them completely shattered my heart and I wanted nothing more than to just take her pain away.


"We're not going to lose these babies, Demi, okay?" I cupped her face in my hands and pressed a delicate kiss to her lips. "Let's get you to the hospital."


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