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So this is worse than the previous chapter 😭


"Daddy" I weakly smiled down at Isaiah as he collided into my legs. I glanced up to briefly meet Dallas' gaze, a slightly hidden sadness in them. I then glanced down at the girls who stood beside each other, Ayla looked more confused than anything. "Daddy?" I turned my focus back to Isaiah as he pulled himself away from me, my fingers ran through his curls as he glanced up at me. "Has mommy had the babies?" my heart broke as I sunk to his height.

"Yeah Buddy" a wide smile spread across his face. "How about you lot go and sit in living room because we need to talk?" his head dropped to the side.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I glanced up at Ayla, my eyes lining with fresh tears.

"Come on" I pushed myself to stand, sliding my hand along Ayla's back as I led them into the living room. I was thankful that Dallas seemed to follow and I glanced back at her with a grateful smile as the kids settled on the sofa.

"I know you need some support" she gave my arm a gentle squeeze.

"Thanks, Dal" she silently nodded. I then turned my attention onto Ayla, Kyra and Isaiah. It's insane to think that eventually there'll be two more babies added to the clan. I just hope Demi wakes up to see them together.

"Daddy, what's going on? Is something wrong with mommy?" the question made my heart break. I slowly sunk down onto my knees in front of my children. I took Kyra's hands in mine as her eyes slowly welled up with tears. I glanced between them. Isaiah was leant against Kyra's side, Ayla sat on her hands beside Kyra.

"After I'd dropped you-you guys off at school yesterday, I came home to mommy in a lot of pain" I began to stroke the back of Kyra's hand as her chin seemed to quiver. "We-We went straight to the hospital where mommy had the babies. She had to-She had to have surgery to get the babies out" my eyes welled up with tears and Dallas slid down onto the floor beside me, her hand settled on my arm which she gave a comforting squeeze. "You have a little brother and-and a little sister. They're both very little and need-need some help from the hospital to get better" my heart completely shattered at the tears rolling down my children's faces.

"Is-Is mommy okay?" I glanced to Ayla, releasing Kyra's hand to give Ayla's a squeeze.

"Mo-Mommy's very poorly at the moment. She needs a lot of rest. The doctors and nurses are-are doing everything that they can to make her better. We-We all need to pray, okay?"

"Is she going to die?" Ayla choked on a sob at the fact that I couldn't answer that question. I instantly wrapped my arms around my three sobbing children. I clamped my eyes shut as tears rolled down my cheeks. This is the worst thing I've ever had to do.


I checked in on Isaiah who was curled up in bed. It took me a moment to realise that he had Demi's sweater clutched into his chest. My heart broke as I leant against the doorframe and watched him for a moment. You need to get better, Demi, because we need you. I eventually moved, pulling the door to a close behind me. I then checked in on Ayla who was fast asleep, tear stains on her cheeks. Ella lifted her head up off her paws from where she lay on the end of the bed.

"Keep her company for me, Ella" she just curled back into herself. I pulled the door to a close and then stepped next door. I was surprised to find that Kyra was still awake. "Hi Angel" she jumped at my voice, glancing up from the photo frame she had a hold of. "What you got there, Baby?" I slowly approached her, taking a seat on her bed beside her. My lips ever so slightly twitched at the corners as I glanced down at the photo.

"Mommy's really pretty."

"She is. She's the prettiest" Kyra leant herself against my side. "Why are you awake still, Ky?"

"Because I couldn't sleep" staring down at Demi's still smiling face made my eyes burn. "It's my fault" I snapped from my stare and pulled away from Kyra with furrowed brows.

"Honey, none of this is your fault" her eyes danced to meet mine. Her beautiful grey eyes were swimming in tears. She looked completely broken.

"But I wanted the ba-babies to-to come early so mom-mommy was no longer in pain" I wrapped my arm around her as her chin began to quiver. I pressed my lips to the top of her head, my fingers lightly caressing her back. "I don't want mommy to die" she clutched at my shirt as she sobbed. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

"This is in no way your fault, Kyra" I mumbled against the top of her head. "Please, don't blame yourself, Angel. This isn't your fault" I pulled away from her and cupped her chin, lifting it up so she was looking at me. "This isn't your fault" I lightly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "And your mommy is a little fighter, Ky. Nothing like this is going to take her away from us" she briefly glanced down at the photo of Demi.

"Can-Can I sleep with you? I-I don't wanna be on my own" my lips tugged into a tiny and sad smile.

"Of course you can, Angel" Kyra was already in her pyjamas so I changed in the en-suite and then climbed into my side of the bed. I rolled to face my daughter.

"What do you love most about mom?"

"Can I have an easier question?" she lightly giggled and the sound made me sadly smile.

"I like her laugh" the memory just made my smile widen. "It's loud and it's funny" what if I never get to hear that amazing sound again? "I also like her cuddles and the way she runs her fingers through my hair" she moved herself closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her as she cuddled into my chest. "What made you fall in love with mommy?"

"It was definitely her smile. That smile lights up the world."

"I love you, Daddy" I nodded as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"I love you too, Angel" it may have taken a while for me to fall asleep but it was nice to fall asleep with company.


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