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My stomach flooded with butterflies as I climbed into the passenger seat. Kobe slid into the driver's seat and glanced to me with a smile.

"You ready, Baby?" all I could do was nod. I'm terrified of something being wrong. I'm terrified of losing this baby. I'm terrified of the unknown. "We've got to try and think positive, Babe" I nodded, biting down on my lip as he ran his hand along my thigh. Kobe managed to get the entire day off and has spent the entire morning, trying to stop me from stressing out. I can't help but to worry though, it's how my brain is wired. He settled his hand on my thigh as he pulled from the driveway and headed down the road. I took his hand in mine and began to trace patterns on the back of it. I felt sick as Kobe pulled into the parking lot. "You okay, Baby?"

"I feel sick" I leant back against the seat and dropped my head back against the headrest. "My hearts racing" Kobe turned to face me and ran his fingers along my cheek. He placed my hand against his chest and began to take deep breaths.

"Try and match my breathing, Baby, okay?" I closed my eyes and focused on nothing but Kobe's deep breaths. I began to match them, tears burning at the backs of my eyes. "You're doing good, Beautiful" he lightly wiped the tears from my cheeks. "I know that this is scary, Baby, but we're going to get through this together, okay? No matter what happens."

"I just want to be able to successfully carry this baby. I want a baby at the end of it" I quickly wiped at my cheeks once my heart finally calmed its racing.

"I'm sure their big sister is looking down on them."

"They'll have their own little guardian angel" he nodded and leant to press a kiss to my cheek.

"Come on, let's head in. Let's go and check on baby" I slid from the car. Kobe met up with me on the other side of the car and I slid my hand into his. My stomach was full of butterflies as we headed into the doctor's office. I checked in at reception and then took a seat beside Kobe. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed, beginning to play with his fingers.

"Demetria Johnson" I smiled at the sound of my name and pushed myself to stand. I glanced back at Kobe who gave me a comforting smile and ran his hand along my back. He followed behind me as we headed towards the office, giving the nurse a smile. "I'm Maci. I'm just going to do all the regular checks before Dr Monroe comes in" I nodded, taking a seat beside the desk. "I just need to take some blood from you and check all your vitals" I nodded, giving her my arm to do whatever she wanted. She took my blood and then wrapped the cuff around my arm. "Your blood pressures a little on the higher side, Demi."

"I-I had a stillborn daughter 2 years ago and I'm a little anxious about this pregnancy already" Maci gave me a small smile as she removed the cuff.

"I'm really sorry" I gave her a tiny smile. "We'll keep an eye on that though, okay?" I nodded, glancing over to Kobe who gave my thigh a comforting squeeze. "Do you want to hop up onto the bed and I'll check baby's heartbeat" I pushed myself up from the chair and headed to the bed. I took a seat and leant back against it. Maci grabbed the doppler and squirted some gel onto my stomach. I turned my attention to Kobe who blew me a kiss. I lightly smiled, glancing back at Maci as she pressed the doppler into my belly. A gentle thumping filled the room and I found comfort in that sound but that comfort didn't last long. "I'm just going to grab Dr Monroe."

"I-Is something wrong?"

"I was only getting your heartbeat. I could hear something in the background but I want to get him to have a listen. He may end up doing an ultrasound, okay?" the panic started all over again. Kobe came to stand beside me and took a hold of my hand. Maci quickly left the room and the tears that I had been holding in began to flow down my cheeks. Kobe kissed them away before he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm scared."

"I know, Baby" he quickly wiped at my cheeks. "Just keep breathing for me, Demi. I'm sure everything is fine, okay?" I nodded but couldn't convince myself of that. He pressed a peck to my lips just as Dr Monroe stepped into the room.

"Hi, Demi" I gave him a smile. "Maci thought she heard something on the doppler but she wants me to have a little listen. I'm going to do an ultrasound, if that's okay?" I nodded. He gave me a smile as he pulled the ultrasound machine to beside me. Kobe kept himself beside me and he kept his grip tight on my hand. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand. "Do you have a rough idea of how many weeks you might be, Demi?"

"Around 8, I think."

"I'm going to see if I can see anything through your tummy but I may have to do a transvaginal ultrasound, okay?" I nodded just as he squirted some gel onto my tummy. He pressed a few buttons on the machine before he pressed the wand into my tummy. My grip tightened around Kobe's hand as I anxiously waited for Dr Monroe to speak. "Demi, if you want to look here" I was glad to see that he had a smile on his face. "The reason she struggled to pick out the heartbeat is because of this right here" my eyes glanced to the monitor and they widened at what I seemed to be looking at. "Do you see that?" he glanced back at me with a smile.

"Yeah, oh my god" I glanced to Kobe with my mouth hanging open, he looked just as surprised as I did.


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