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"What if the same thing happens to this baby as it did with Thea?"

"You can't think about the what ifs, Babe" I glanced to him with a sniffle. "When did you find out?" he lightly stroked a strand of hair behind my ear and leant to kiss my cheek.

"Over a week ago" I stared back down at my hands.

"Have you been to see your doctor yet?"

"Sirah's booked me an appointment at 11 on Friday. Will you be able to come or do you have to work?" he twirled a piece of hair around his finger as he lightly smiled at me.

"I'll work something out. I'm not letting you go by yourself."

"I love you. I'm sorry that I'm not more excited about all of this" he shook his head and leant into me with a light smile. He pressed a kiss to my lips which tugged into a smile.

"I get it, Babe. You don't need to apologise" he wrapped his arm around me and held me lightly against his side. "And I love you too. I love you more than you will ever know, Demetria" I turned into him, my legs draping over his lap. I ran my hand along his jaw and leant up to brush my lips with his. My lips ever so slightly twitched at the corners as his hand ran along my tummy, but the simple gesture also made my heart ache. I don't think I'll be able to survive losing this baby.


"How was school, Handsome?" Isaiah giggled as I locked him into a tight hug. He was holding a piece of paper that he held up to Kobe.

"What is this, Bud?"

"A drawing" I lightly ran my fingers through his curls as he pulled away from me.

"Is it our family?" he nodded and my heart burst as Kobe held it down to me. I took it from him and widely smiled, glancing up at Isaiah who was beaming at me.

"It's so good, Baby. Did they ask you to draw this for school?"

"Yeah, we had to say who it was" I leant to press a kiss to his forehead. "I have a friend too" the smile on my face just continued to widen, the backs of my eyes burning with tears.

"I'm so glad you had a good day, Baby. Is your teacher nice?" he nodded in reply to my question. "Now, we've just got to wait for your big sisters" I pushed myself to stand, leaning into Kobe's side as he wrapped his arm around me. Isaiah stood in front of us, leant back against my legs as we waited for the girls to come out of school.

"Ky" Isaiah screamed. He ran off towards Kyra and my heart felt so full as they locked their arms around each other. Kyra and Isaiah get along so well. They began back to us, Isaiah chatting to Kyra about his first day at school and with everything he said, Kyra replied with enthusiasm.

"You have a good day, Honey?" I pulled her into a hug and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah. My teachers nice. We have a new boy in class too and he's now my friend because we sit together" I glanced over at Kobe, giggling as his eyes rolled. I nudged him lightly in the side and he glanced to me with raised eyebrows. "You don't need to worry, Daddy, he's just a friend" I laughed as I played with her ponytail. Kobe just rolled his eyes again. Kyra giggled as she wrapped her arms around Kobe's waist. He locked his arm around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm glad you had a good day, Baby Girl" I smiled at the sight of them together. Kyra is aware that Kobe isn't her real dad. She knows who her dad is but she isn't interested in knowing him, well, she isn't at the minute anyway. Ayla doesn't exactly paint Max in a positive light anyway. Ayla, even though she was only little, remembers a lot of shit Max promised but never did. I don't think, even if he came back around, that the girls would want to see him.

"Hi Ayla."

"Hi Zay" I pulled my eyes from Kobe and Kyra, smiling over at Ayla who was stood beside me.

"You have a good day, Peanut?"

"I have homework" she sighed, her face speaking volumes.

"The perks of getting older" I laughed as her eyes rolled. "Who wants to go out and get ice cream? A treat for surviving the first day back at school" they all nodded their agreement.

"Let's go then" we headed towards the car and then headed into town and towards our favourite ice cream parlour. We've been here many times throughout the years. "Go and take a seat, we'll grab the ice creams" the kids all headed to a booth while Kobe and I headed to the counter. "Pregnancy craving?" I bit down on my lip as I glanced up at him.

"A little bit" my lips twitched into a light smile. Kobe beamed down at me and leant to press a kiss to my smile.

"Hi, welcome to Bee's Parlour, what can I get for you?" we reeled off our orders, already knowing off the top of our heads what our babies would want. We headed to the booth where our children sat after we had paid and had our orders.

"I have a fudge brownie" I laughed as Isaiah's hand shot into the air.

"Thank you" he spoke as I slid the tub of ice cream towards him. I handed Ayla and Kyra their ice creams and then I took a seat in the booth beside Isaiah. Kobe headed over with our ice creams and then took a seat beside me, his hand subtly running along my thigh.

"Mom, when can I get a phone?" Ayla asked before she shovelled a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Her honey eyes were watching me with curiosity.

"Why do you need a phone, Peanut?"

"So that I can talk to my friends" she spoke like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You don't need a phone, Ayla."

"But Allie, Penny and Eva have phones. I'm the only one without a phone" her lips formed a pout as she spoke in her pleading whine. I don't think the whine has ever worked for me and I don't know why she seems to think that it ever will. "Allie got it for her birthday."

"Well, your birthday is in 3 months so you never know."

"Why can't I have it now? An early birthday present" I shook my head and glanced to Kobe, my eyes pleading with him for help with his. Ayla can be very demanding at times. She's turning into a teenager a little too fast for me. I was a horrendous teenager and I treated my parents like shit. I don't know how I'm going to handle a mini me as a teenager.

"You don't need a phone, Ayla" she huffed but thankfully dropped the topic. I think out of everyone, Ayla is going to be the person we need to be worried about in regards to this baby. I don't think she's going to be happy about it. This could get interesting.


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