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"Okay, Ayla. My feet are starting to hurt, you want to go and grab some lunch?" she nodded over at me as she juggled the bags hanging from her arms. We have a chore list at home and with each chore that's completed, the kids get some money. I'm making sure that my children understand that they need to work for their money. It doesn't just get handed to you.

"Can we go to Applebee's?"

"Sure, Peanut" we headed through the mall and towards Applebee's. We were seated in a booth away from everyone else which I was thankful about because it gave us privacy. It was as I started up a conversation with Ayla that I was glad we did this. "How is school then, Peanut?" she shrugged as she stirred her drink with her straw before she took a sip.

"It's getting harder."

"Your teacher still okay?"

"Yeah, she's really nice. She helps us when we struggle too."

"That's good. I'm glad your getting some support from her" she nodded, glancing back down at her drink. "How are your friends getting on?"

"Okay. Penny has a boyfriend" my eyes widened slightly. "His names Byron, he's in the grade above us. He's really nice and we hang around with him and his friends quite a lot."

"It's good that you're making more friends."

"Yeah" I took a sip from my lemonade. "Mommy, when did you start liking boys?" I choked slightly on my drink at the question.

"Erm..." I lowered my drink down onto the table and grabbed a napkin to dab at my chin. "I was around 11, I think. Why do you want to know?" her shoulders shrugged again.

"Just my friends all think that boys are cute but I don't see it. Boys are gross" I lightly laughed, imagining Kobe's relief in my head. He would hate to be here, right now. Any talk about boys from Ayla and Kyra completely sets off his protectiveness. I think it's cute and I'm glad they have it in their lives.

"And that's okay, Baby. Not everyone starts liking boys at the same time, it's different for everyone."

"This girl at school has two mommies, would it be okay if I liked girls?" I lightly smiled.

"Of course it would, Peanut. You can like whoever you want. I like girls too, you know me and aunt Lauren dated once" her eyebrows raised. "It's not always about the gender, it's sometimes about who the person is."

"So, it would be okay for Zay to date boys?"

"Yeah, Baby. You're only 9 though, you don't need to be worrying about all of that yet. Can you just stay a child for a little longer, please?" she lightly giggled at my groan.

"Okay, Mommy, I'll try" our food came over a moment later and I smiled as I ate, taking glances at Ayla every now and then. I'm so glad we did this. There's nothing better than some mother and daughter bonding.


"Hi, Baby. How was the mall?" I snuggled myself into Kobe's side and groaned at the ache in my feet.

"Tiring. Geez, that girl can shop" he lightly laughed as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head and lightly traced patterns on my hip. "I think we should tell Kyra and Isaiah about the babies" I smiled as his fingers danced along my belly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I can't keep hiding them forever."

"Okay, they're up in Zay's room, you want to come up?" I nodded. My heart burst as he helped me stand and I fell more in love as he lightly caressed my belly once I was stood. I didn't think I could fall in love with him more than I already was but he proves me wrong with every little thing that he does. I love him so much more with every day that passes. Kobe and I headed upstairs and into Isaiah's room. I smiled at the sight I was greeted with. Isaiah and Kyra were sat on the floor, playing with his toy cars.

"Mommy" Isaiah shot up off the floor and charged straight for me. I stumbled backwards slightly as he crashed into my legs but thankfully Kobe was stood behind me so I didn't fall.

"Hey, Zay, be careful because you nearly knocked mommy over then" I ran my fingers gently through his curls.

"Sorry, Mommy."

"That's okay, Baby Boy" I leant down the best I could and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You want to take a seat next to Ky because mommy and daddy have something we want to tell you?" his eyebrows furrowed and fear flashed through his eyes.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, Honey" I lightly laughed as I smoothed out his curls. He headed back to Kyra and took a seat beside her. "You okay, Baby Girl?" she nodded up at me with a smile. I leant down to kiss her cheek and her smile widened. Kobe took a seat on Isaiah's bed so I lowered myself down onto the bed beside him. "So, your daddy and I found out a couple of weeks ago that mommy has a baby in her belly" Kyra's mouth dropped and Isaiah just looked a little confused.

"Really? Oh my god, is it going to be a girl. Please let it be a girl, Mommy. I want a little sister so badly" I laughed at Kyra's excitement. "Tilly has a little sister and she's so cute."

"We don't know yet, Ky, but there's also another little surprise."


"We've been to see the doctor and we found out that there's actually two babies in my belly?"

"TWINS?" Kyra squealed. Kobe and I shared a look and laughed as she began to dance around the room.

"Mommy, are you sick?" I glanced down to Isaiah who looked terrified as he stood an inch from me.

"No, Baby. The doctor lets us see the babies."

"How?" I pulled him into me and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"With a very special machine" he pulled himself up and onto my lap. "Are you excited to be a big brother?" he nodded and my heart melted at the smile on his face.

"I'm gonna be the best big brother" Kobe and I shared a smile as Isaiah cuddled into me. Maybe things are looking up.


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