Twenty One

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Demi Lovato in CRITICAL condition.

The singers husband posted a statement to Instagram last night about Lovato's current condition. The statement read:

'After the birth of our beautiful twins, Demi remains in a critical condition. It's with a heavy heart that I write this as I understand how much Demi means to a lot of you. We pray everyday that she makes a full recovery so she can continue to watch her children grow. Thank you for the continued love and support.'

We wish Lovato a speedy recovery.

"Daddy?" I glanced up at Ayla, flashing her a light smile.

"Are you okay, Peanut?" she seemed nervous as she stepped into the room, twiddling her fingers. "Ayla?" she nibbled on her lip as she glanced back up at me.

"Is..." she released a breath and then continued. "Can I come with you to see mom and the babies?" I lightly smiled at her.

"You can come and see the babies but I'm not sure what the rule is with children in the ICU" she nodded as she glanced down at her hands. "Come here" she slid onto my lap and then curled into me. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Demi has been in the ICU for over a week. She's no longer sedated and she has brain activity so they aren't sure why she isn't waking up, there's no reason why she shouldn't. The twins are making incredible progress too, both of them are now breathing on their own. They're little fighters just like their mom. We just need Demi to wake up.

"Do you think mom will ever wake up?" the question made my heart break. I tightened my grip around her as tears burnt the backs of my eyes. That's one of my biggest fears.

"I think she will" she glanced up at me, her beautiful doe eyes swimming with tears.

"If-If she doesn't, will Kyra and I have to leave?" I instantly began to shake my head.

"I won't let that happen. You and Kyra won't be going anywhere, I promise. I will fight to keep you both" she nodded as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "But that isn't going to happen because your mom is a fighter. She's going to come out of this. I promise" I know that I can't make promises but I believe that Demi will come out of this. She has so much life left to live. She wouldn't leave Earth so soon.


"He really does look like mom" Ayla spoke as she smiled down at Elijah. "When will they be able to come home?" I shrugged as I lightly caressed Ayla's back as she glanced up at me.

"We're not sure yet, Peanut. They're making really good progress though. Hopefully in a couple more weeks, but hopefully mommy should be awake before then."

"Have you held them yet?" I shook my head as I leant down to kiss the top of her head.

"Not yet. I feel like mommy should be the first person to hold them" she nibbled on her lip as she glanced back down at Elijah who had his hand wrapped around her finger.

"I don't think mom would mind, Dad" my lips twitched at the corners. "I think she'd be happy to know you were with them" her eyes glanced up to meet mine.

"I'll think about it" she nodded. I headed over to Indi and lightly smiled down at her, pushing my hand through the hole in her incubator. My heart melted as her hand clasped around the tip of my thumb.

We spent around an hour with the twins and then headed to get a little something to eat. I held tightly onto Ayla's hand as we eventually began towards the ICU. Her grip on my hand was equally as tight. I kept glancing down at her, constantly checking that she was okay. She seemed nervous but who wouldn't be. I flashed the nurse a light smile as she buzzed us through, her lips twitched lightly at the corner.

"Hi, so we have a little bit of an update for you" Ayla leant against my side as my heart began to pound.

"Is-Is she okay?"

"Everything's fine. She actually woke up" tears instantly welled up in my eyes. "It was around an hour ago. We tried to contact you but there was no answer."

"I-I was in with the twins, my phone was switched off. Is-Is she awake now?" I glanced down at Ayla who glanced up at me with tears lining her lower lid.

"She was awake when I checked in on her 10 minutes ago but she does keep dropping off. She's extremely tired but I think she'll be excited to see you both" Ayla tugged on my hand.

"Thank you for everything" she flashed me a smile and shook her head. I led Ayla towards Demi's room. She was leant back against her bed, her eyes closed but she had a little more colour. Her cheeks were a light pink, she no longer looked dead. My eyes burnt with the threat of tears as Ayla's hand slid from mine and she slowly walked towards Demi. She slid her hand into Demi's before she spoke.

"Mom?" I can't describe what I felt when Demi's eyes fluttered open and they turned to Ayla.

"My peanut" her voice sounded rough and scratchy. "Ko" my lips twitched at the corners as her eyes turned to meet mine.

"Hi Baby" I stepped up to her, running my hand along her cheek as I leant to kiss her. "I'm so happy you're awake" she glanced back down to Ayla as she lightly caressed the side of her face. I lowered myself down into the chair beside her and began to lightly caress her arm. "How do you feel?"

"Sore. I-I don't really remember anything" I flashed her a light smile. "Are-Are the babies okay?"

"They're doing just fine" she seemed to visibly relax. "I-I named them, I hope that's okay" she nodded as she glanced to meet my gaze. I could see how eager she was to find out. "We have a little boy and a girl, Dem. You were right."

"Elijah and Indi?" I nodded my reply. "I love you. I love you both" she glanced down at Ayla who had light tears rolling down her cheeks. Demi lightly wiped them away.

"We love you too, Baby" she released a breath as she leant back against the bed, her hand still tight around Ayla's.


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