Twenty Six

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Demi | Mature

Mother's Day fell on May 11th so my book was released on the 9th with plans to do a book tour commencing the 12th. Ayla's dance competition took place on the 10th so it was a busy weekend for sure. She won her category and I have never been so proud of her. The dance was emotional and I was a sobbing mess throughout the entire thing.

"Baby" I hummed my reply as I woke to lips against my cheek. "Happy Mother's Day, Beautiful" my lips twitched into a light smile as I forced my eyes open. Kobe was stood by the bed with Indiana cuddled into his chest. "What do you say to Momma, Baby Girl?" she released a soft coo as Kobe adjusted her in his arms. I smiled as I lightly caressed her cheek.

"Hi Pretty Girl" I sat up in bed and then took her from Kobe. I smiled down at her as her lips lightly twitched at the corners. "Oh you're so beautiful" I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Elijah stirred not too long later and Kobe went to grab him while I had cuddles with my precious daughter.

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"Happy Mother's Day" Ayla and Kyra spoke in unison as they stepped into my room carrying a tray

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"Happy Mother's Day" Ayla and Kyra spoke in unison as they stepped into my room carrying a tray. Isaiah climbed up onto the bed and cuddled himself into my side. A wide smile instantly spread across my face as I pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head and I wrapped my arm around him.

"You babies are adorable."

"We made you breakfast, and we have a present" Kobe was just behind the girls with Elijah cradled against his chest.

"You didn't have to get me anything, having my family all together is everything that I need" Kobe lowered himself down onto the bed beside Isaiah. Ayla lowered the tray down onto the bed in front of me and I smiled at the tray of food. There was a plate of pancakes that was decorated to look like a face and then there was a glass of orange juice beside it. Also on the tray was a little velvet box. "This is incredible, Babies. I'm so spoilt, huh?" I spoke as I slid my fingers gently through Isaiah's curls who was eyeing the pancakes.

"You're the best mom so you deserve it" my smile widened as tears burnt at the back of my eyes.

"I love you all so much" I gave them all a wide smile. "You okay to take Indi, Baby, so I can eat?" Ayla nodded and held her arms out. I gently passed Indi over, only truly letting go when Ayla nodded that she had got her. The first thing I looked at was the little velvet box that was sat on top of a card which had very obviously been drawn by Isaiah. "This is so sweet, Baby" I pressed a soft kiss to Isaiah's cheek.

"Isaiah drew it but I wrote in it" Ayla spoke as she stood on the spot, gently rocking Indi.

"You've got some very neat writing, Beautiful" her smile widened. I opened the velvet box and widely smiled at the ring inside. It had each of my babies birthstones on it. "This is beautiful, and I'm never gonna take it off."

We spent the morning in bed until we had to head over to my parents. Dallas was there with her family as was Madison and Jayden. Indiana and Elijah got a lot of cuddles and they seemed to enjoy the attention.

On May 12th, I had a book signing in LA. Kobe came with me whilst my parents stayed with the kids. I have signing sessions and interviews all over the US which the kids will be attending. I don't think I could leave them for that long.

"I'm so proud of you" I smiled as Kobe slid his arms around my waist as he stood behind me in the bathroom. The kids wanted to stay over with my parents so we just brought Indi and Eli home who are now fast asleep. "You've overcome so much, you're my little warrior" he pressed a soft kiss to my neck as my smile just continued to grow. "Can you believe we've been married for nearly 7 years?" he questioned as the tips of his fingers brushed against my naked stomach.

"We've nearly been together for 10 years" I spoke as I slowly turned around in his arms to face him. "I've loved you for nearly 10 years and that love is still growing everyday. I fall in love with you more everyday" I lightly caressed his jaw as I met his gaze. "I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't stepped into my life when you did. I would have broke if you weren't there. I couldn't have handled a toddler and a newborn alone. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me" he caressed my cheek and then leant down to kiss me.

"I fell in love with you the moment we locked eyes" he mumbled against my lips. "You've made me the happiest man on this planet. You're my forever, Baby" I cupped the back of his neck and deepened the kiss by sliding my tongue along his bottom lip. Kobe hooked his fingers around the waistband of my pants and he tugged them down my legs. I released a soft moan against his lips as his fingers brushed against my slit. I gripped at his curls, dropping my head back as Kobe began to press kisses down my jaw. "I will never get enough of you" he softly mumbled against my neck. "You're my everything" his words were completely melting my heart. He gripped my thighs and lifted me onto the bathroom counter as I wrapped my arms around his neck, continuing to play with his curls. I pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head as he began to kiss down my chest and his fingers caressed my inner thigh.

"I love you" I breathed out as Kobe eased two fingers into me. I gripped at the back of his neck as he nibbled on my weak spot. He continued to thrust his fingers, hitting them against my g-spot until my walls clenched around his fingers but before I had the chance to release, he removed them. "Asshole" he laughed and pressed a soft peck to my lips. He pushed his own sweatpants down and gave his erection a few quick pumps before easing himself into me. "Fuck!" Kobe's hands gripped my ass as his hips rocked into mine causing me to release cries of pleasure. I was climaxing just a few thrusts later as his fingers softly caressed my spine and his lips pressed multiple kisses along my jaw. Kobe's thrusts became sloppy as he reached his own peak and his grip tightened around me.

"I fucking love sex with you" I softly laughed as he pressed a light kiss to my shoulder.

"How do you think we've lasted so long, Baby?" my lips twitched into a smirk as his gaze met mine and I played with one of his curls. "I love you so much. You're my forever too" I commented as I leant in and softly brushed my lips with his.


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