Glad You Could Make It

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"Hey, it's good to see you both," I greet the Cullen/Hale couple, them walking in at exactly 5 and approaching my booth. 

"It's good to see you came. I almost thought you'd change your mind," Jasper states hesitantly, the two sitting across from me. 

"I knew you wouldn't change your mind. I saw it," Alice states, sounding absolutely sure of herself. 

"You saw it?"

"Like Jasper has a special ability, so do I. I can see the future, although it's fluid based on the decisions of those involved," The girl explains, me taking a moment to process the new information. 

"Does anyone else in your family have... abilities?"

"Everyone does in a way," Jasper answers quickly. "Edward can read minds, Rosalie her beauty, Emmett, his strength, Carlisle his restraint, and Esme her compassion."

"Wow," Is all I can think to mumble. "Does that mean Ed can read my mind?"

"Yes, but he tries not to. He doesn't want to invade your privacy like that," Jas answers.

"I'll have to remember to thank him," I comment, pulling the sleeves of my shirt over my hands. "Uh, so I would like to explain myself."

"You really don't have to-"

"No, I really do. First, I'm sorry for my actions the other day. I was thinking with my heart, not my head, and I was really hurt that you two would keep something so big from me. But it was unfair of me to lash out at you two when I haven't even been entirely honest as to who I am. How much did my dads tell you?"

"Just that one is an angel and the other a hunter of the supernatural," Alice explains simply. 

"It- Chuck how do I explain this... here, one second," I mumble, pulling out Grandpa John's journal. "This is my father's father's journal. His hunting journal. And here-" I continue, flipping to the last page, "Is my Uncle's addition. A family tree."

"Wow, this just be more confusing than ours," Alice admits, glancing over the page. "How far back does hunting go?"

"On my paternal side it goes back to my grandfather's father Henry. He was a Man of Letters. And then on my grandmother's side it starts with Samuel and Deanna, my great grandparents," I answer, pointing to the names as I speak. "But my dad and uncle got into it after Grandpa John started. Grandma Mary was murdered by a demon on Uncle Sam's ceiling when he was six months old. From there Grandpa was filled with ideas of revenge and turned his boys into soldiers. That's how my mom and dad met. On a case."

"Your mother is also a hunter?"

"Oh, no no, she's the head of a newspaper back home," I clear up, them nodding. 

"So you're a hunter by blood, what about in practice?" Jasper asks, and I know this is the question they, and probably their family, has been wondering. 

"I've only been on a couple of hunts, but only for research, never in the field, my dads and uncle have always been too protective," I answer, them releasing unnecessary breaths of relief. "So yeah, that's my secret. And I'm so sorry for reacting the way I did when I hadn't been entirely truthful myself," I apologize. 

"It's okay, Win. We are just as even as we can be in this," Jas assures, making my guilt melt away, whether that's with his powers or just the smiles he and Alice are giving me. 

"So, can you tell me more?"

"More about what?" Alice asks, more than happy to share. 

"Everything. I only know what's in the lore and yours are some of the least documented. It's mostly the other two," I explain. "

They nod, sharing a look before nodding once more. 

"Where would you like us to start?" 

"Can you with mates? What- what does that mean exactly?" I ask, my voice quieter as I speak while I try not to freak out. 

"Your fathers know, but... did you ever read in your research see about how our species of the vampire has blood-singers and mates?" Alice asks, looking up to Jas hesitantly. 

"Uh, no? I don't think so at least "

"Well, you're our mate. The one we're meant to be with," Alice explains, my mind still hazy from the information. 

"And you're sure I'm both of yours?"

"Yes," She answers, smiling softly. "Like Jasper said today, it's incredibly rare but is possible."

"I just- wow..." I mumble, the looks on their faces showing so much uncertainty. "Is that why I've always felt so drawn to you? Ever since my first day?"

"Yes, that's why," Jasper nods. 

"So what else is there to know?" I ask, perching on my legs in my seat. 

"About what?" Alice asks again, looking between Jas and I with the largest smile. 

"Everything. You two, your family, being a vampire, just everything," I list. 

"Oh course we can, Darlin'."

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