Breakfast with Ang

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"Well, I just mean that them not telling you doesn't mean they lied, it just means they didn't tell you the whole truth..." Ang explains herself. 

"No, that's not what I-" I begin, flustered. "Angela, you knew what they were?!"

"Well obviously," She states as if it is obvious. "They are horrible at keeping how they're different a secret. I just picked up on small things and did some research."

"Angela you scare me with your brain," Jack states, making said big-brained best friend chuckle. 

"Thank you, Jack, but since you know that I know, can I know why it's such a big deal?" 

I share a look with Jack, our eyes holding the words we aren't saying out loud flying between us. We both nod, having come to an agreement before I turn to my best friend. 

"By blood, I come from a long line of hunters," I explain.

"So? What does that have to do with vampires?"

"A line of hunters of the supernatural," Jack fills in for me, earning a gasp. 

"It's all a rather long story that I'll explain in detail another time, but it all started when Grandma Mary, Dad and Uncle Sam's mother, was murdered by a demon on Uncle's 6 month birthday. From then on Grandpa John had the boys hunting. It's an even longer story to get from there to today, but it's because of that history that I had just wish they would have told me! Dad had a fling with a vampire named Benny for petes sake!" I explain, her jaw dropped. 

Theres a pause, a silence between us, before she looks between us. "Okay, I understand all of that now but... are you two human?" 

"I am, 100%, nothing but human," I explain wavying my hands about. 

"But I'm the son of Lucifer from when he was in the body of the president, so I'm half arch-angel, half human," Jack explains, Ang's eyes growing even wider. 

"I should probably add that our dad, my bio dad, and Uncle Sam are hunters now, although they're attempting retirement."

"Oh, and Castiel, our other dad, is an angel of the Lord and was God for a while," Jack adds. 

We sit in silence once more, Jack and I watching her every move. All I can hope is that 

"And I thought vampires were the coolest thing to happen to happen to my life!" Angela exclaims, making me release the breath I didn't realize I was holding. 

"What about vampires?" Jess questions, entering the kitchen. 

The three of us at the table share a look of shock, before  Angela saves us. 

"Just talking about that show you like, those vampire boys...?"

"Well talk Vampire Diaries later, I need to get her ready to kick some ass!" Jess exclaims, pulling me up and away.

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