Son of a Bitch!

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"What the hell happened to my daughter?" Dean yells, storming into the Pheonix Hospital room that holds his daughter and most of the Cullen family. "Answer me!"

"Isabella," Rosalie bites, glaring at the girl in the cast, sitting beside Edward. 

"Rosalie," Edward bites right back. 

"Edward, it's okay," Bella assures, placing a hand on her boyfriend's arm before looking guilty at her best friend's father. "James told me he had my mother at my childhood ballet studio. Artemis wouldn't let me go on my own so she went with me. It was a trick, and James hit her head against a mirrored pillar. She wasn't conscious after that."

"Bella, he's her father. Tell him what else happened when she was trying to defend you both."

"She..." Bella begins, looking around the room as Castiel and Sam walk in, joining the already full room. "Her eyes glowed a bright white and she had large shadows of wings coming out of her back. She threw James away without touching him and with a bright white light."

"She- that's impossible. Neither of her parents are angels," Dean denies, looking between his husband and brother. 

"I know who I can ask," Cas states, disappearing from the room and leaving the Cullens confused. 

"Where did he just-" Emmett begins to ask, looking around the room. 

"He's going up to Heaven to ask some questions," Sam explains. "Dean, you know this isn't the kid's faults."

"It sure as hell is!" Dean yells, fists clenched. "You were supposed to look after her! Now she's in a coma in some hospital in Arizona! She's been out of the hunting like for 17 years. We have done everything in our power to keep her out, and you come along and suddenly she's on the edge of death!"

"Dean," Sam scolds.

"Sammy," The father bites back. 

"Where is she? Where is my daughter?" A woman's voice can be heard yelling, fast-paced steps following. 

"Cassie," Dean greets, the woman who her daughter looks like a direct copy of crashing into the room. 

"Oh my baby," She whispers, tears pouring down her cheeks as she moves to her daughter's side, taking her hand. "What happened?" She questions, looking only at her old love. 

"She was trying to protect her friends from a vampire and he hit her head," Dean answers, moving to stand behind her, the parents staring down. 

"The doctors said there is no medical explanation for the coma," Cassie mumbles. "Why isn't she awake?"

"We don't know," Sam answers, leaning against the wall. 

"We do now," Cas states, popping back Into the room. "Cassie," He greets.

"Hey Castiel," She greets, smiling a sad smile. 

"What's up with our girl?" Dean questions, looking at his husband. 

"A similar situation to when Sam was a child, I'm afraid," Cas answers, Sam stepping forward. 

"It- she can't have. She's never shown any signs."

"Neither did you until you were in college," Dean reminds. "But why? I didn't even know about her till she was four, how did the winged dicks?"

"Michael kept a special eye on any future bloodline of yours. If you created any new humans, they would know. On the night of her 6th month birthday, Michael did as Azazel did, giving baby Artemis a mix of arch-angel grace and blood. It should not have affected her and made a significant appearance until her early 20s, but her instincts to protect Bella must have activated them early," The angel explains, moving his unconscious step-daughter's hair behind her ear. 

"Do you know why she won't wake up?" Cassie questions, looking up at the angel. 

"She was placed by Zachariah in an alternate reality of sort. The exact one is uncertain, but it can only be compared to the one you were placed in where you were actors of a television show. 

Dean groans, running his hands through his hair. 

"Son of a bitch!"

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