To Start the Meal

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"God Art, whatever you're cookin' smells fabulous," Dad states, entering with Cas and Uncle as I stand by the stove, Jack sitting on the counter beside it. 

"Thanks, Daddy-o," I thank, turning to him with a large smile. 

"Wow Dean's right, that does smell good. What is it?" Uncle Sam asks, coming to stand over my shoulder. 

"Dinner is a shrimp and cod stew in tomato-saffron broth and dessert will be a caramel apple buckle," I explain, the boy's eyes widening. 

"Like your grandmother makes?" Dad asks, his smile Cheshire cat-like.

"Like Grandma Robbinson makes," I state, turning off the oven and burners I've been using. 

"Sounds delicious," A woman's voice states, tearing my attention from my family to the Cullen family. "Does your grandmother cook often?" A woman with a motherly smile who must be the Cullen matriarch asks. 

"Audrey cooks and bakes like a professional," Dad states for me. "Thank God Art takes after her and not her mother, cause Cassie can't cook to save her life," He adds with a chuckle.

"He's not wrong," I agree, stepping forward. "You must be Mrs.Cullen, it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Artemis," I introduce.

"Oh please, you can call me Esme," Mrs.Cullen states, making me smile. "It's so nice to meet you, my kids have been talking about you non-stop!" She states, making me blush. 

"Hopefully all good things," I comment, her and I chuckling. 

"Who could say anything poor about you, Artemis?" Edward asks sarcastically, making me send him a joking glare. 

"Whatever Edwardo," I bite back before turning to the rest of the family who's chuckling. "Dr. Cullen, glad to see you outside of the hospital and you guys out of school," I greet the remaining Cullens.

"Please, Artemis, call me Carlisle. And it's good to see you too. How's the arm?"

"It's coming along. It's beyond annoying to be down to one arm but Jessica Stanley had our friends sign it so that's cool," I answer, him chuckling. 

"What could you possibly need two arms for?" Emmett questions, making my dad and uncle chuckle. 

"Artie shoots guns and bows to cool down, and bows require two arms," Jack explains, the Cullen's eyes widening as I hand the dishes to my dads and lead the way to the dining room. 

"You can shoot a gun?" Alice asks in shock.

"You can shoot a bow and arrow?" Jasper adds on, just as shocked. 

"She's the best shot in the family," Dad brags, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as everyone takes a seat. 

"I'm really not that good, I've just grown up in a family that hunts," I explain, my mind flashing back to my days of practicing on cans with Grandpa Bobby. I can see Edward flash me a smile as I place his plate in front of him, but for some reason, I feel it isn't meant as a thank you. 

"Well everyone has their secret talents," Esme states with a smile. 

"Mmm, very true," Cas agrees. 

"Oh! Speaking of, thank you so much for helping my dads' by decorating my room, Esme. I absolutely love it and I'm sure if Dad got his choice, it'd be in shades of flannel," I thank the woman across from me. 

"Oh, it was really nothing sweetheart, Alice, Rosalie and I enjoyed it."

"You girls helped?" I ask the pixie and the blonde, them nodding. "Well, thanks to you too."

"It was no problem," Rosalie assures, "As long as you let me look under the hood of that car of yours, cause you did an amazing job on her."

"Careful there, Rosalie, may inflate my Dad's head even more than it already is," I joke, the table laughing. 

"Oh ha ha ha," Dad grumbles, nudging me with a grin.

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