Prom for All, and All for Prom

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"God do I love the sun," I practically moan, laying back next to Jess on the grass, watching the boys toss around a football, teaching Jack how to play. 

"Mmm you and me both," Jess hums, glancing at Bella who is sat, looking around the lot. "He's not here, Bella, you know this."

"What? I uh- I know, Jess."

"Who's not where?" I question, looking around.

"Edward. The entire Cullen-Hale family is absent when it's sunny. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em out for hiking and camping stuff. I'm surprised you didn't know what with your dating two of them."

"Jess, I knew, I thought she was asking about something more interesting. Like maybe a new hot guy to give Edwardo some comp," I comment, Bella rolling her eyes as Jess laughs.

"There's always that cute boy from the Rez that you were talking to at the beach," Lauren chimes in, looking up from her phone. 

"He's fifteen," Bella tries to argue, although she says it only in a mumble.

"Well age is just a number," I sing-song, winking at the girl. 

"Especially when age is keeping you from that-"

"I'm going to prom with Eric! I just asked him, I took control!" Angela exclaims, running up to us with books in hand and cutting Jess off from what was almost certainly going to be an inappropriate comment. 

"Yes! I knew he'd come to his senses!" I exclaim, hugging her tightly. "This is going to be the best party ever."

"Are you sure you have to go out of town?" Ang asks Bell, surprising me. 

"Go out of town? Why is this the first I'm hearing of a trip?"

"Yeah, yeah I have to go to a family thing," Bella answers, me raising a brow. 

"Oh my God, but we need to hit the stores in Port Angeles before the dresses get cleaned out!" Jess exclaims, sitting up straight. 

"Port Angeles? Mind if I come with?"

"Well, obviously you're coming Isabella," I joke. "It wasn't even an option for you not to."

"Yeah! Come on Bella, we'll need your opinion," Ang agrees, taking a seat next to the girl to enjoy the sun. "Is Jack going with anyone yet, Art?"

"Why? Want to get on the two date train like me?" I joke, her laughing. 

"Oh don't brag, Artemis Martin. We all know you're lucky enough to score some of the best dates in the school," Jess scolds, it not holding any seriousness. 

"Oh hush, Jess. And to answer your question, Ang, he doesn't have a date yet. He only really hangs out with us so he doesn't know many girls outside of us five."

"He could always go with Molly," Lauren suggests. "She's super sweet and I've heard through the grapevine-"

"Jess?" Ang and I ask in sync, said girl rolling her eyes at us. 

"Sue me for telling my friend something. God."

"But apparently Molly has a crush on your brother," Lauren finishes her earlier statement. 

"Gross," I groan, Jess hitting my arm. 

"You only say that because he's your brother. Everyone else in the school notices how attractive Jack is," She comments.

"Fine. HEY JACK!" I holler, gaining his attention from his football game.

"What's up, Art? Tyler and Mike are teaching Eric and I how to play football," He asks, taking a seat next to me on the ground. 

"They're teaching Eric how to play?" Lauren asks, a skeptical look on her face. 

All of us laugh, even Mike and Ty from where they are a ways away, and Jack nods. "Trying to at least."

"Well I wanted to see if you want to go to prom with Molly Hansen from English? Apparently, she wants to go with you and I want to know how you feel about it," I ask, his face lighting up. 

"Molls wants to go to prom with me?" 

"Woah woah woah do you have a crush on this girl? How did I not know about this?"

"Because you were too busy having Alice and Jasper in your bedroom last night and being given dating rules by Sam, Dad, and Dean," He says with a smirk to rival Dad's, Jess gasping from beside me. "You seemed a little busy for my love life."

I scoff, pushing his arm. "I'm never too busy! We're getting a bouquet Monday before school and you're asking this girl! Okay?"

"Okay! I'll see you later! I'm going to go play more. Mike thinks I may be able to make the team next fall if we practice!"

"That's awesome, bud," I congratulate, him running off. 


"Jesus, Jess!"

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