A Daze

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Making my way to english in a daze, I haven't even realized that class has already started. 

"Thank you for joining us, Miss Winchester," Mr. Mason says in a disparaging tone. 

"I'm sorry Sir, won't happen again," I promise, not hiding my smile on my way to my seat next to Ang. It isn't until the end of class that Angela turns to me with wide questioning eyes. 

"Why were you late? I thought I was going to have to go through the day without you!"

"Ang, I've only been here a little while and you're already hooked on me, I love it," I comment slyly, leaving for our next class. 

"Answer the question Winchester!"

With a sigh, I turn to her, "Alice stopped me to talk. She offered to drive me to Seattle the day of the dance."

"Just the two of you?" 

"Her, Jasper, and I..." I mumble in answer, running a hand through my mass of crazed hair. 

"So it's a date!"


"Yes!" She states excitedly, Mike and Eric joining us. 

"Beach day this weekend, ladies!" Eric cuts in on our conversation.

"We were kind of talking Er-"

"Beach day you say?" I ask, making sure the conversation doesn't go back to my adventure with two of the Cullens.

"The rain is supposed to break for a bit, so we're taking advantage," Mike explains before he and Eric cut away from us again, Ang and I entering our next class. 

"We are so talking about your Seattle plans later," She whispers, making me chuckle slightly as we take our seats.

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