The Backup

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"How do we get her back?" Jasper speaks up, looking over the parents of the one he and Alice love. 

Cassie smiles, as wide and happy as she can in this moment as she looks over the boy. "You must be Jasper. Artie didn't do the curly hair justice," She chuckles, looking over the family. "And you must be Alice. It's nice to meet you two, and the whole family given the circumstances," She greets. "I'm Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassie. I'm Artemis' mom."

"She looks exactly like you," Esme compliments, a sad smile in her eyes.

"Except for her eyes, those are all Dean," Cassie comments, smiling at the comparison she has heard since she's given birth. "Jasper's right. How do we get Artie back?"

"Can you do it?" Dean asks, eyes never leaving his little girl's face. 

"I cannot. Zachariah was always my superior, even if we believed him dead," Castiel explains. "That's why I called for backup."

"Back u-" Rosalie begins, the sudden popping up of a shorter man with a lollipop in his mouth cuts her off. 

"Back up is here, brother dearest! Now why am I- Who the hell laid a hand on my neesh?"

"Your what?" Bella questions, trying not to stare at the strange man. 

"Neesh. Niece. Same thing. Now answer my question."

"A nomadic vampire who has been disposed of," Carlisle answers. "Gabriel."

"Ah so my reputation reaches the cold ones, good to know," The archangel jests, turning to his brother. "So baby brother, why am I here?"

"It appears that Michael gave Artemis some of his grace and blood when she was an infant, making her a Nephilim like Jack," Castiel begins to explain. 

"Where is Luci's child? Still obsessed with Star Wars?"

"He's with Sam's and my mom," Dean answers, rolling his eyes. "Now we need you to help my daughter."

"Our daughter," Cas and Cassie chime in sync. 

"How am I supposed to help with her being a Nephilim? News Flash, I can't," Gabriel comments. 

"Zachariah has placed her in an alternate reality. You're an archangel and a trickster, we need you to go and get her out," Sam explains. 

"And this is just all normal to you?" Rosalie questions, cutting in. 

"We're a family of hunters, angels, half angels, and humans, all connected by marriage and divorce. This is our every day," Cassie answers, shaking her head, turning to her child's step-uncle. "Gabriel, please. Get our girl back for us."

The archangel pauses, staring at everyone around him with his arms crossed. 

"Fine. But not for any of you. It's because she's my favorite neesh."

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