Artie Martie

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I walk slowly into the cafeteria with Ang and Jess, us leaving Mike, Tyler, and Eric outside as they shake the snow from their clothes and hair. 

"I thought you didn't like flying snow!" Jess says in shock, "You just nailed Mike in the back of the head!"

"What can I say, I'm a softball player and he hit me first!" I exclaim, us laughing as the blonde comes up behind us, slinging his arm over my shoulder. 

"Okay, Artie Martie, next time you're on my team," Mike states happily, grabbing lunch trays for all of us and handing them out. 

"Wait, how the hell do you know my middle name?" 

"Uh, I definitely didn't bribe your brother with candy," Mike says, trying to hide his smile as I groan. 

"Wait, your middle name is Martie?" Jess asks in mild disgust. "Artemis is weird enough but Artemis Martie?"

"Jessica!" Angela yells in horror, gaining the attention of the people around us. 

"It's fine Ang," I assure, placing a hand on the girls shoulder as Mike grabs us each a burger and fries. "And actually Jess, my middle name is Martin. Artemis after the Greek Goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation, and Martin after my grandfather who was murdered when I was four," I explain, Jess paling. 

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea," Jess apologizes, feeling Mike and Angela's glare. 

"It's fine, you didn't know," I assure, turning to head to our table before pausing abruptly. 

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Mike asks, worry clear in his baby blue eyes. What's wrong? Well, Mikey, the man who upon first meeting me who hated me is staring at us with the most deathly glare.

"It's nothing Mike, just got lost in my mind," I assure with a false smile, one he believes as we take out seats. Slowly, and carefully, I glance over my shoulder to the Cullens. They're laughing. Edward, Jasper, and Emmett all have heads fulls of snow that is slowly melting in the heat of the building. Alice and Rosalie are leaning away with annoyed smiles as Emmett shakes his head like a wet dog, removing the snow from his hair. 

"Artie, what are you staring at?" Bella asks from next to me, catching my attention as my eyes shift to her smirking face. And when I look back for the slightest second, Jasper and Alice are looking at me, Alice winking once again as I notice the changes in Jaspers appearance. His face is less pale, possibly from his snow fight with his brothers, and the circles under his eyes are much less noticeable. Winking back at Alice, I see her giggle before I turn back to answer Bella. 

"Eddie-boy and his family are smiling. I was just enjoying how happy the snow is making people," I explain, her blushing as I call Edward by a nickname. 

"Oh my God, Artemis!" Angela exclaims in an excited whisper, leaning over to me from my other side. 

"What Ang?" 

"Alice Cullen AND Jasper Hale are staring at you!" She exclaims, still excited. 

"Does Jasper look like he's angry at me?"

"No...?" Ang responds, sounding confused by my question. "Is this about history on Wednesday?"

"What, pssh, no," I answer, although it's an obvious lie. 

"If it makes you feel any better, the Cullens don't like anybody... well, they don't notice anybody enough to like them. Except for Bella. And by the way, they're still staring at you," Jess chimes in. 

"Stop looking at them!" I exclaim in an anxious whisper. The two of them snickering at my awkwardness, although they both obey my wishes and turn away. 

Any further talk of the Cullen's stopped as Mike started explaining his plan for an epic "Battle of the Blizzard" in the parking lot after school, wanting us all to join. We all agreed, him and Jess calling me for their team as Eric began to dramatically pout at the loss of "the best arm".

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