Who are They?

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"Okay, you can't tell me Spanish is that fun everyday!" I exclaim, walking through the cafeteria with Angela, having just grabbed our lunches. 

"It is! Senora always says if she bores us she's going to quit!" Ang answers, us laughing at the level of energy our teacher has. Sitting at a rather larger, circular table, I see that the boy named Eric from this morning, Jack, and Jack's desk partner from English are already sat here. 

"Hey J, how's your day going?" I ask my brother, him looking up from his lunch. 

He smiles, seeing that I am, and nods while swallowing the bite he had just taken. "It's been great! Mike and Tyler have been in my classes so it's been easy to get around."

"Mike and Tyler?" I ask, him nodding as two boys sit forward, both with flirty smiles as Ang scoffs beside me. 

"I'm Mike," The baby faced blonde from this morning states. 

"And I'm Tyler," A black guy with a little hair states, smirking at me. "It's nice to see the town is getting a little more spice to it, I've been lonely." 

"Oh, I'm sure you have Mr.Ladys Man," I state sarcastically, the girl on the other side of Ang laughing loudly as the rest of the table does. Looking down to my tray and taking a bite, I can hear the door to the large room open and look up on instinct. 

"Okay, who are they?" I question, seeing the gorgeous family from the lot this morning. All chalky pale, four members of the adopted family walking in and looking absolutely, devastatingly, beautiful. They move with an almost effortless grace and sit at a table in the far corner of the room. 

"The Cullens," Angela explains with a dreamy look as Bella enters with Edward, the two also taking a seat at the Cullen table. 

The girl on the other side of Angela, who's name I learn to be Jessica swings toward me, gaining my attention. "Doctor and Mrs.Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago."

"They sort of keep to themselves," Ang explains. 

"Because they're all together! Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy, Emmett," Jess points out the first couple, a gorgeous blonde with model like beauty and a much large, weight lifter type guy, "They're a thing! I'm not even sure that's legal!" 

"Jess, if they're not actually related and they love each other, it's legal," I state simply. 

"But they live together!" She exclaims, as though that proves her point. "Anyways, then there's the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain," Jess continues as I see two people that I am immediately attracted to. The first, Alice, a short, pixie-like girl with black hair going in every direction. Spinning her is Jasper, a tall, lean boy with honey-blonde hair and eyes that hide a tortured soul. 

"Dr.Cullen is like this foster dad slash match maker," Jess states, drawing my attention back to our table. 

"Dear God let him adopt me," I mumble, Ang and Jess laughing and nodding. 

"And now you are officially a member of the Forks High School female population," Mike states with a sarcastic smile. 

"Oh buck up cowboy," I comment, looking over my shoulder slightly to see Alice and Jasper looking at me with soft smiles before Alice winks. Startled, I turn away quickly, rejoinging my lunch table's conversations until the bell rings. 

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