La Push, Baby!

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"Puedo tener una cara de crema?" Angela asks me, practicing the sentences we just went over in class. 

"What did you just ask me?" I ask, mild shock coating me. 

"Can I have an ice cream?" She answers although she knows based on my laughing that is not it. "Or so I thought. What did I actually say?"

"Can I have a face of cream," I tell, her laughing too as we get our trays. "May need a little more practice there, Ang." 

"Obviously," She agrees, rolling her eyes. 

"Hey! La Push, baby! You two in?" Eric asks as we take our seats. 

"Uh, am I supposed to know what that is?" I ask, looking to my brother for an answer. 

"They're new genius, Art barely knows the town, let alone the Rez," Laur mocks, Eric sticking out his tongue at her. 

"It's La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in," Mike explains from his spot with his arm around Jess. 

"And I don't just surf the internet," Eric states, standing on his chair and pretending that he's surfing. 

We all laugh, Jess rolling her eyes. "Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board."

"There's whale watching too, come with?" Lauren requests. 

"Hey, I'm in," Ang agrees, obviously used to these spontaneous trips. 

"What do you say, Art?" Jack asks me, gauging my thoughts. 

"La Push, baby," Eric says again, warranting my throwing of a piece of broccoli at him. 

"Fine, I'll agree to go if you stop saying that!" I cave, all of us laughing. "Will I need my suit?"

"Unless you plan on freezing your ass off or surfing," Ty answers. "And it looks like your lovers are in need of your attention."

"My who?" 

"Winnie, Winnie's friends," Alice greets everyone, her voice drifting from behind me as a pair of pale arms wrap around my shoulders. "I was wondering if I could borrow her for a moment?"

"Oh, yes, go ahead," Ang agrees, winking at me. After I got home last night she was the first person I called, telling her every detail of the entire day and squealing through it with her like a normal teenage girl. 

"Are you okay with it, Win?" Ali asks next, me nodding up at her. 

"Yeah, course," I agree, standing but looking over my friends. "I'll be back soon."

"Oh, don't hurry!" Jess calls, smirking as I turn away, Alice leading me to the Cullens and Bella. 

"Hello, Win," Jas greets, taking my hand and pulling me into a seat between him and Alice as soon as I'm close enough. 

"Hey Jas, hey everyone else," I greet, my smile dropping as I look over the dreary looks on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"You plan on going with your friends to La Push?" Rose questions harshly.

"Um, yeah, that's our plan for after school. We'll probably load up in Ty's van and head out."

"You can't go there," Edward states, and the authority in his tone makes me want to hit him. 

"And who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?"

"What I believe Edward was trying to say was-"

"Exactly what I said and you wanted to say, Alice," Edward cuts in. 

"I don't think it involves any of you whether I go or don't go out with my friends?" I state, glaring at the mind reader while cursing him out in my head. 

"That's the issue, Darlin', once you're over there, it can't involve us," Jasper explains. 

"Okay, now you've officially lost me.."

"We aren't allowed on their territory," He tries to clarify, 


"The Quilette Tribe. They're a group of tribesmen who shift into wolves. We have a treaty with them saying that we won't hunt in town and we wont go on their land," Alice explains, me nodding slowly. 

"Okay, that makes sense but what does this have to do with me going to the beach?" 

"If you go and something happens, they can't get to you," Edward explains for them. 

"What could possibly happen when I'm sitting with Ang and Lauren in Ty's van?" I ask, looking over the family. 

"We just are worried," Alice admits. 

I smile, taking her and Jas's hands in my own. "I understand that, and I couldn't be more flattered but I can take care of myself during one afternoon at the beach. And if it bothers you that much, I'll bring Bella."

"Excuse me?" Edward asks, not liking this idea. 

"Come on Bells, they're your friends too and it'll be fun! La Push, baby!" I try to sell, ignoring her glaring boyfriend and quoting Eric. 

"I could use some time with everyone," She agrees quietly, nodding. 


"Hey, she's her own person, knock it off," I scold, him rolling his eyes. "And I promise to all three of you that Bells and I will be perfectly safe."

"That doesn't mean we won't worry," Alice mumbles, making me chuckle. 

"I promise it'll be fine. You two can stop by tonight if it really worries you that much."

"We'd like that," Jasper says with a smile, the two sharing a look. 

"Great! It's settled!"

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