The Quileute Trio

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"God, why did I let you people talk me into this?" I mumble, wrapped next to Angela in a blanket, the two of us sat in the back of Ty's van at the beach, Bella sat in the doorway and Jack leaning against the side, munching on some nuget. 

"Because you love us," Mike states cheekily, patting my shoulder before running off to grab Er and Ty before they do something even more stupid. 


"Who's that?" I mumble to Ang, Lauren, and Jess, Jess checking her looks in the mirror that's hung on the door as I zip up the back of Laur's suit.

"No clue."

"I wish I knew."

"Couldn't tell you."

"Guys, this is Jacob," Bella introduces, seeing our looks of confusion. "Are you stalking me?"

"You're on my rez, remember?" He reminds her, and I immediately stiffen. These boys are wolves. "You girls surfing?"

"Definitely not."

"You couldn't pay us enough," I add on to Bella's statement, Jacob and the two Quileute boys behind him laughing. 

"You'll have to keep Bella company, her date bailed," Jess comments, not looking their way but smirking nonetheless.

"What date?" Eric questions, reappearing with the boys. 

"Obviously Edward," Lauren comments. 

"She invited him," Jess adds.

"To be polite... he is my boyfriend," Bella says, blushing madly. 

"I think it's nice that she Invited him. No one ever does," Ang defends, me nodding. 

"You didn't see Art go and invite her boyfriend and girlfriend," Ty chimes in. 

"Because the Cullen and Hale's are freaks," Mike states, a boy behind Jacob nodding in agreement. 

"You've got that right."

"Careful," Jack warns, crossing his arms.

"Watch yourself," I add, glaring at both boys. 

"The Cullen's don't come here. Just stating the facts," The boy speaks again. 

"And I'll be stating a lot more than facts if you keep trash talking my partners," I warn, Jack putting his arm out in front of me  to prevent me from crawling out.

"Woah, listen Art, I'm sorry, and I'm sure -"

"Embry," The boy I was threatening provides to Mike.

"Embry didn't mean to offend anyone."

"Dude, your turn," Jacob encourages, elbowing his friend. 

"I'm sorry I insulted your, uh, what did you call them?"

"My partners. Boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Your partners. Here on the rez no one takes issue with it, but I should have watched my mouth."

"I accept your apology," I accept, reaching my hand out from under the blanket to shake his. "I'm Artemis. Artemis Winchester and this is my brother Jack."

"I'm Embry, you've been introduced to Jake and he's Quil."

"Your dad's Deputy Winchester?" Quil asks as I notice Bella pull Jacob away from the group and towards the other part of the beach. 

"One of them is, yeah. You know him?" Jack asks,the boys nodding.

"The tribe elders have been working with the Fork's police to find the animal that's been killing people," The boy explains, me nodding, having heard of the news. 

"So, who are the rest of you?" Embry questions, switch the weight from one leg to another. 

"Well the fools that ran to the shore are Lauren, Mike, Jessica, Eric, and Tyler. I'm Angela," Ang introduces, waving to the boys from under the blanket. 

"And you all go to Forks?"

"Yeah, you guys go to the rez school?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah, it's no town high and it's small, but it's where we're at," Quil explains. 

"I get that, back in the Cape I was in a school of a eighty people, all who I knew from pre-school up," I relate. 

"Exactly! She gets it," Embry states, talking to Ang and Quil, the four of us laughing. "Well, we should go get our boy before he embarrasses himself."

"It was nice meeting you," Ang says, me nodding along. 

"Yeah, we'll have to randomly run in to each other again some time," I agree. 

"Well, bye girls and Jack."

"Bye boys," I wave, turning to my best friend, Jack taking Bella's seat. "So, prom. Has Eric asked you yet?"

"No, everytime I think he's going to ask me he just... doesn't."

"Take control and ask him!" I encourage, waking her shoulders. 

"Yeah! You're a strong independent woman!" Jack adds.

"I am?"

"Yes! Of course you are!" I exclaim. 

"Okay, okay, I'll try," She gives in, looking from Jack to me. "When did he get so good at being a hype woman?"

"He's grown up with powerful woman in his life. You should meet our aunts Claire and Alex. And our grandmothers, great aunt Donna, really there's a whole list," I explain, Jack nodding along. 

"Not only are my male influences badass but so are my female," Jack adds, smiling his adorable smile. 

"We are going to have such a great time at prom," Ang exclaims, wrapping her arm around me. 

"Hell yeah we are."

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