Taking It to the Living Room

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"So, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, your father tells me your seniors this year," Cas begins as we finish up dessert, now just spending time in the living room. "Any plans for once you graduate?" 

The Cullen's all share a look, taking a moment before Rose goes to answer. "Emmett and I will be going to the University of Washington for Engineering."

"And I will be going to the University of Washington for History," Jasper explains, Uncle letting out a little laugh.

"Doesn't surprise me in the slightest," He states, smiling at Esme and Carlisle. "Your son is the best history student I've ever seen. All your children for that matter are incredible students." 

"Thank you, that means a lot coming from their teacher," Esme thanks with a warm smile as she looks over her 5 kids. 

"You two must be happy," Dad states, still looking at the Cullen parents.

"How so?" Carlisle questions, not understanding what Dad's saying. 

"That your kids are staying so close to home," Dad explains, chuckling a bit. "I know I'd be thrilled if AM and Jack decided to go to school somewhere close to home. Although somehow Art's mother got the idea into her head that she needs to get away from her homes for school," Dad states, ending with an eye roll. 

"Dad, come on, knock it off," I groan. 

"Do you two know what you want to go into for a major?" Carlisle asks, making Jack and I share a look. 

"I'm planning to take a gap year before going into law enforcement like Dean," my brother explains, earning a pat on the back from Dad. 

"And do you have a plan, Artie?" Rose asks, making me smile slightly. 

"Uh, yeah. I plan to major in biology before taking my degree to the medical field."

 "Do you have a specialty in mind?" Esme asks, her motherly smile making my nerves about the college topic die down. 

"I'm hoping for pediatrics. I've always loved kids and they seem to like me a decent amount so I'd love to grow up to help them," I explain, blushing slightly at the radiant smiles that Esme and Rosalie are giving me. 

"You'll be a perfect pediatric doctor, Artemis," Alice compliments, a knowing look in her eyes. 

"Thanks," I thank, blushing the slightest bit more at the girl's compliment. 

"What about you two?" Dad asks, looking over Edward and Alice. "Any plans for after high school?" 

"I'm hoping to study business management," Alice answers, smiling widely. 

"And I plan to pursue an education in law," Edward adds, making Uncle smile the slightest bit, a dazed look in his eyes as he remembers his time at law school and with Jessica. 

"My Uncle Sam went to Stanford for pre-law after high school," I mention, looking up at the moose man. "I'm sure if you had any questions he'd love to answer them." 

Uncle smiles down at me, patting my head as I curl away from his hand, leaning sideways to the point that I almost fall on Jasper where we sit on the carpet. "I'd love to help out anytime. I didn't get to pursue law so if what I know can help, I'm all for it."

"Thank you, Mr.Winchester, that's incredibly kind," Edward thanks with a smile. 

"Please kid, you can call me Sam when we're not in the classroom," Uncle assures. "And that applies to all you kids."

"Okay, thank you, Sam," Edward revises, making me giggle slightly. 

"Speaking of your new job, Sam, how are you all liking Forks? Treating you well?" Esme asks.

"Haven't had to shoot anything yet, have ya Artie?" Emmett jokes, making me laugh, but remember the first time I had to shoot a spirit with a salt round. Suddenly, Edward's head shoots in my direction, his eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed as he stares at me. Just as he does so, his father looks to him with a confused eye and Jasper does the same to him. Edward just shakes his head at both men, turning away from me as Dad begins to answer. 

"It's been good. Quiet, but that's exactly what we were looking for," He answers, sharing a look with Uncle and Cas. 

"Quiet can be a good thing," Jasper states, sending me the most discrete smirk before smiling kindly at my guardians. 

"You'd know, wouldn't you Hale?" Jack asks, making me laugh loudly. 

"Look what you've done Dean, he's become you," Cas states, rolling his eyes at the smirk on Dad's face.  

"Well," Carlisle begins, looking at his watch. "It is getting late, and we wouldn't want to keep all these kids up too late."

"Yeah, you do that and half of Forks High School will be sleeping in tomorrow," I joke, making the room laugh. We all move to stand, me leading the way to the door. 

"It's been a pleasure to meet you Esme, and spending time with the rest of you. The nights been fun," I state with a large smile, holding the door open and shivering at the cold winter's air. 

"Thank you for having us, we'll have to have you over for dinner sometime at our home," Esme states, giving me a long, motherly hug before pulling away. 

"Truly, it's been a wonderful night," Carlisle agrees, giving me a quick hug. 

"Oh, well I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves," I state with a smile. "Drive safe and all sleep well." 

"Same to you Smalls," Emmett calls, the family filing out. 

"I'm average height gigantor!" I call after him, his family laughing as they get in their two vehicles. "And goodnight!" 

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