The Occasional Flying Muffin

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"Someone looks happier this morning," Dad comments, a smirk on his face as I bounce down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"The same person who arrived home late last night," Cas adds, the pounding of Jack's footsteps against the staircase in the background.

"I think AM is better! I heard her singing in the shower this morn- ow!" He yells, getting nailed as he rounds the corner by a muffin I had thrown at him.

"Would you three leave me alone!" I request, although their joking doesn't bother me as I remain smiling.

"So your meet up with the vamps went well?" Dad questions, surprisingly okay with all of this.

"Yeah, we just talked and I told them about the family business, and they told me about their family, their kind, and about mates," I answer, unwrapping a muffin of my own from the plastic grocery store container they came in.

"And?" Jack asks giddily.

"And what?"

"I believe your brother is asking if you and the couple are now a- you've taught me the word but I've forgotten," Cas tries to help, earning a nod from Jack.

"Are you asking if the three of us are now a couple?" I question, the boy and man nodding. "It would be a polyamorous relationship."

"Are you in one?" Dad asks this time.

"We talked about it and we are ready to be a couple, but we're going to be pretty quiet about it around school. This is a small town, I don't want to get shit and I don't what them to for being in a relationship that consists of three people."

"What others think of your relationship does not matter," Cas states, his voice suddenly stern, surprising the three of us around the breakfast table. "Do you think my angel brethren were accepting of me entering a relationship with a man? Certainly not. Did that stop me?"

"Hell no," Dad chimes in, kissing Cas's cheek. "You've got to be proud of who you are kid and who you love. It doesn't matter what the small-town people think."

I smile, tears in my eyes as I look over my dads. "Have I told you two just how much I love you?"

"Hmm, not recently, right Cas?"

"Not recently, no," Cas chimes in, the two smirking at me.

I chuckle, shaking my curly head as they laugh themselves. "Well I love you two, and you, Jack," I add, my brother smiling.

"Good, so that means you won't mind if I do this?" Jack asks, using his powers to launch the muffin I had thrown at him, back at me.

"Hey!" I exclaim, barely catching it before it hits me in the face, the four of us laughing loudly, my sides hurting from the joy as the doorbell rings.

"I've got it," Cas states, rising from his seat and still laughing as he opens the door, greeting whoever it is and making his way back.

"What's so funny?" Alice's voice rings in the room, earning my attention to her and Jas as I realize it's them.

"We uh, Jack and I were just uh throwing muffins at each other," I explain, still chuckling.

"Technically I didn't throw it, my powers did," Jack defends, earning a scoff from me.

"Ha, you're funny, but you control your powers so no getting out of it."

"Powers?" Jasper asks, looking between Jack and me in confusion.

"Yeah! I can move things with my mind and a bunch of other stuff," Jack explains as I grab my backpack, kissing both of my dad's cheeks.

"It's because of the whole, being the son of an arch-angel and a human thing," I add, Alice and Jasper nodding. "Hey Jack, you ready for school?"

"Yeah, we riding with these two today?" He asks, looking between the three of us.

"If you're okay with it?" Alice offers, not wanting to seem overbearing.

"Yeah, course. Gives me time to interrogate my sister's boyfriend and girlfriend," He states with a smile he only could have learned from dad.

"That's my boy," Dad praises, confirming my thoughts.

"Okay you two, leave 'em be."

"I'll try to keep a reign on your father, Artemis. You four have a good day at school."

"Thanks, Cas. See you two later!" I say as we exit, all piling into Alice's car.

"Is every morning so... loud in your house?" Jasper asks, a smile on his face.

"Uh... yeah, usually. If it's not something is wrong," I answer. "Why? Was it too much?"

"No, no," Alice immediately chimes in, making me feel a bit better. "We're not used to loud. None of us eat normal meals so we just sort of, do our own thing in the morning before school."

"Well you two are always welcome," I invite, Jack nodding adamantly, chiming in himself.

"As long as you can dodge the occasional flying muffin, that is."

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