Harry Clearwater's Fish Fry

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"Thank you for letting me wash my truck over here. I realized about thirty seconds in that I have absolutely nothing needed to," Bell thanks, hosing down her gross truck. 

"It's not a problem. Dad and I are too emotionally connected to our cars for me to not have the right stuff," I joke, us laughing as I lug a bucket of soapy water over. 

"Do you know any stations that aren't rock?" She asks, glancing at the radio on the porch. 

"Nope," I answer, her laughing.

"Of course."

"I'm just kidding, Bell. I know this, the broadway station, country, and pop," I assure, her letting out a sigh of relief. 

"You two are coming to my house tomorrow."

"Jesus!" I yell, swiftly pulling the knife from my waist band and throwing it at where the person's voice just came from. 

"Really? A knife? Some hunter you are," Edward's voice teases, jumping down from the top of Bella's truck with my knife in hand. 

"Well someone could have saved themselves from that if they gave a heads up other than crashing onto people cars," I throw back, taking the knife and returning it to it's spot. "But other than that Eddie Boy, welcome to the car washing party."

"Did you say we're going to your house tomorrow?" Bella cuts in, obviously not enjoying Ed's and my banter as much as we are. 

"Yes, by invite of Esme and Carlisle," Ed answers, looking from her to me. "They'd like to meet you officially as Alice and Jasper's girlfriend."

"And why are they not here to invite me then?" I question, crossing my arms dramatically. 

"At the moment Alice is over planning what is supposed to be a lovely meal," Ed answers, Bella shaking her head. 

"They cook a lot for people who don't eat. Be sure you're hungry," Bell advises, Edward running his hand down the back of the truck and popping the dent out.

"I'm a Winchester, have you seen the men I am related to eat?" I question, Edward and her chuckling before his head darts to the side. 

"Is someone supposed to be here?" He asks, face suddenly serious. 

"Uh, yeah my dad invited Charlie and his friend to watch the game on our flat screen, why?"

"Just- a complication. I have to go but I'll be picking you both up tomorrow," Edward assures, pecking Bella's head quickly before taking off, glaring at the passenger and driver of the black car that pulls in before hopping in his car and taking off. 

"Billy? Jake?" Bells questions, seeing the young boy helping his father out. 

"Hey there Bella," the man who must be Billy greets, before turning to me in his wheelchair. "And you must be Winchester's kid?"

"That's me," I answer, approaching and shaking his hand. "I'm Artemis, it's nice to meet you Mr.Black."

"Please, just Billy. And this is my son, Jacob," He introduces, Jacob and I chuckling a bit. 

"Artemis and I have met, Dad. Down at La Push Beach," Jacob tells. "It's good to see you again."

"Good to see you too, Jake. Now I heard a rumor you're here to visit our flat screen?"

The boys laugh, and so does Bella as Charlie pulls in in his squad car. "First Mariners game of the season. Plus Jacob heard Bella may be here and kept bugging to see her again," Billy tells, Jacob blushing madly. 

"Great, Dad. Thanks."

"Don't worry, Jake. I'd be dying to see Bella too after too many days," I joke, Bella blushing as I throw her a dramatic wink. 

Charlie climbs out now, two six packs in hand as he joins us all by Bell's truck. 

"Pale Ale," He tells Billy, sending me a small smile and wave. 

Billy in turn holds up a brown paper bag, a smile on his face. "Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry for a party."

"Well, looks like you two have everything covered," I joke. "Come on in, we may have to carry you up the steps Billy, but once in the house everything should be fine," I explain, hoping to not make him feel unwelcomed in any way. 

"I've went around worse," He assures, Bells and I heading in first before Jake and Charlie lift either side of Billy's chair, getting him up the steps. 

"Dad! I have the riffraff!" I call, getting his, Jack's and Pop's attention from where they all were in the house. 

"Winchester, good to see you again," Billy greets. "I met your girl in the drive, but this must be the mister and your second child? I'm Billy Black, live down on the Rez with my boy Jacob." 

"Nice to meet you, Billy and Jacob. I'm Castiel, Dean's husband and this is our son Jack," Pop's introduces, shaking Billy's hand. 

"Art and I met Jacob when we went down to La Push with Bella and our friends," Jack explains to the adults in the room, waving slightly. 

"Well, it's nice to have introductions out of the way, but the game is on in the living room and whatever is in that bag smells delicious," Dad speaks up. 

"It's Harry Clearwater's famous homemade fish fry. Have you met Harry yet?" Billy asks, Dad and Cas shaking their heads as the front door opens again and in walks Uncle Sam. 

"Woah, looks like I've missed the party. Sam Winchester," Uncle introduces. 

"Billy and Jacob Black."

"Now, about that fish fry?" Dad asks, everyone laughing. 

"Let's get to it."

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