Compost Innuendos

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"c'mon, Eric! Stuff that down deep, that's it!" Mr.Molina encourages, the class watching as he has Eric making compost, the machine gurgling and spinning. 

"Am I the only one who hears an incredible innuendo opportunity here?" Mike asks, whispering his question in my ear as he slings his arm around mine and Jess' shoulders. 

"Mike, when are you ever not thinking about sex?" Jess questions, rolling her eyes. 

"Don't worry, I heard it too," Ty assures our friend, patting his back as he passes by us, having been summoned by our teacher, Jess and I sharing an eye roll.

"Boys," We hum, laughing lightly as it's now time for Mike to roll his eyes. 

"Now Tyler," Mr.Molina begins again, glancing at Jess' and my giggling forms but not commenting. "Take a big steaming cup of compost tea. This is recycling at its most basic level- hey, don't drink that!" He exclaims, Ty taking off from the area as we all split up, being dismissed to walk around as Mr.M deals with our unruly friend. 

"What do we want to look at first?" I ask, Jess linking arms with me as we set off. 

"There were some gorgeous phalaenopsis and dianthus near the back that I noticed when we walked in if we wanted to head there?" Ang suggests, Lauren, Jess, and I pausing to stare at her. 

"Some what?" Lauren questions.

"Uh, phalaenopsis and dianthus?"

"What are those?" I ask this time, Ang sighing. 

"Orchids and Carnations," She finally answers, the rest of us nodding as we continue on. 

"Excuse me?" Well, that stops us in our tracks. The voice comes from behind us, small and bell-like yet perfect in every way. It has me questioning if I'd rather turn around or continue to move and pretend I didn't hear, but I know that would make my heart hurt even more than it does in this moment.

"Oh... uh, hello," Jess greets, the idea of talking to not one but two of the Cullen/Hales clearly overwhelming her as I turn to see them, not making eye contact.

"We were wondering if we could borrow Artemis? It'd be just for a moment?" Alice speaks again, and I suddenly wonder if this has anything to do with how Jasper isn't exactly breathing. 

"Oh well actually-" Angela begins, going to tell them some excuse.

"Ang," I interrupt, us sharing a look. 

"Fine," She finally agrees, me moving to walk away with the Cullen/Hale couple before Laur pulls back on my hand, leaning in to my ear. 

"If they do anything, tell me. I'll kick some ass," She assures, making me chuckle and shake my head. 

"Thank you, Laur, but I'm quite sure I can kick enough ass on my own," I assure, her nodding proudly as I finally make eye contact with the couple. "Come. We can chat outside," I invite, walking past them swiftly, knowing they'll follow. "So?"

"We didn't think we'd be able to even get you to agree," Jasper states, sharing a look down with Alice. "We wanted to apologize, Darlin'."

"We didn't know you knew of all the supernatural stuff, so we were trying to -"

"Trying to what, Alice? Protect me?" I question, having heard this far too many times. "I obviously don't need protecting. I'm a Winchester."

"Artemis, we didn't know how deeply you were involved in all of it," Jasper states, his voice so neutral it makes me want to hit him, even if it would hurt me more than it would him. 

"Can we please just talk about this like adults?" Alice requests, her eyes darker than usual. It's now that I notice Jasper's also are.

"Are you two not eating?" I question, stepping forward suddenly, all of my anger leaving my body. I reach up, running my finger under Jaspers eye lightly, him shutting them tightly. "Why aren't you eating?"

"We- it's complicated, Winnie."

"It can't be that complicated, Alice," I assure. "I'm sure I can follow along."

"When a vampire knows their mate is hurting for any reason it hurts them. When they know it's because of 'em, they deal with it with more difficulty," Jasper explains. 

"Wait- you- I- what?" 

"Artemis," Alice whispers softly, stepping closer to me and pushing one of my wild curls back behind my ear. "You're our mate."

"Both of you?" I whisper, unsure of my voice. 

"Yes, Win, both of us. Carlisle says it incredibly rare but does happen," Jasper explains. 

"Artemis!" Eric yells, ignoring the position I am in with the vampires and calling for me, a large smile on his face while we all put some distance between us. "I have a worm on a stick!"

"What?" I ask, furrowing my brows as Alice laughs lightly. 

"Not now Eric! I have to tell her something important!" Jess exclaims, racing up to me and grabbing my hands giddily. 

"Guess who just asked me to prom!" 

"We'll see you later, Winnie. We can talk later," Alice assures, taking Jasper's hand and walking away." 

I nod at them, giving them a soft smile of my own before turning my attention to Jess. 

"Who asked you?" 

"Mike! I mean when Bella first moved here I totally thought he was going to ask her but then Bella got with Edward I still didn't know because you moved and I thought maybe but-" 

"Woah, Jess, calm down. Mike asked you! That's great! You two are so great together!"

"I know, right?" She asks, her glowing smile warming my heart as she grabs my hand, pulling me along. "Come on, we have to tell Ang! This is going to be so much fun!" 

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