Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!

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"Coffee, coffee, coffee!" I exclaim, running down the stairs, fully dressed and ready for school. Well, almost. 

"Right here, Kid," Dad calls out, patting the counter next to a mug. 

I sigh, a smile taking over my face as I grab it quickly. 

"Okay, I have coffee, I'm dressed, phone is in my pocket, what else?" I ask myself, taking a seat next to Jack at the dining table, Dad across from us. 

"Possibly your backpack of textbooks and notebooks?" Cas asks sarcastically, holding the black backpack that I had packed last night. 

"Yes! Thanks, Cassie," I thank my stepfather, taking the bag and setting it beside me as he takes a seat next to Dad. 

"Anytime, Angel," Cas replies, making me smile at the nickname he had given me when I was little. Cas didn't come into Dad's and Uncle's lives until I was seven, and Dad tried his hardest to keep Cas out of my life until I met him when I was nine, the angel having transported into my room at my mom's in search of my dad. It was a few months later, when I had him wrapped around my tiny little finger that he began calling me Angel. 

"Eat up you two, Sammy will be here in a few to pick you up." 

"Sam's driving us?" Jack asks quickly, knowing enough about high school to know that showing up with a teacher is not the move. 

"Yes, yes he is," Dad states, turning to me. "And no complaining about it."

"But Dad- you have to understand that showing up on our first day with the new teacher is the number one way to get us laughed out of town!" 

"You won't get laughed out of town. And it's only for a few days till your car arrives from your mom's. Till then, you're riding with Sam."

"So you told them huh?" Uncle asks, entering the kitchen and leaning against the counter as Jack and I eat in a disgruntled silence. 

"Yes, and it went exactly how you thought it would," Cas answers for Dad, who is shoveling his face with bacon. 

"Okay, I'm done," I state, standing as I chug my coffee and moving in a quick motion to fill my togo mug with more. "Hey Uncle Sammy, since you're a teacher and all, does that mean you can refill my coffee cup in the teachers lounge?" 

"Artie, no," Sam denies with a laugh. 

"Then what's the point of you being a teacher?" I ask sarcastically, Dad chuckling. 

"Okay, your schooling starts at eight and you all need to be early to sign forms, and it is seven fifteen," Cas states, standing and taking the plates from the table. 

"Cas is saying to get your asses to school!" Dad exclaims, us all laughing as we shuffle towards the door. 

"Have fun at work you two!" I call, it being Dad's first day at the station with Charlie and Cas's first day at Forks General Hospital. 

"Have fun in Hell- I mean school!" Dad yells back, chuckling. 

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