Monte Carlo

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"Winnie! This turned out amazing!" Alice compliments, her hanging off of Jasper's opposite arm as we enter the inn, her taking everything in. 

"I can't take full credit, we had a great crew of helpers," I blush, looking around at what we created. A room that's dully lit, gambling tables and roulette wheels everywhere as guys and gals gamble, dance, and socialize. 

"Either way, it's wonderful, Artemis," Jasper compliments, making the blush deepen.

"Artie!" Jess calls, waving at me from the line for photos in front of the backdrop, Mike at her side. "Jasper, Alice, hey," She adds, them allowing me to pull them over, us getting in line right behind them. 

"Hey! You look gorgeous!" I gush, hugging her before doing so with Mike. 

"Me? Have you looked In the mirror?" Jess compliments.

"Hey Hale, Alice," Mike greets, Jasper moving to stand next to him. 

"Nice to see you, Mike."

"And you!" Jess exclaims, turning on Alice and spooking her before she can greet Mike. "You look gorgeous as well! Straight out of the fifties!" 

Jasper and I chuckle, knowing Alice wore something similar in that very decade. 

"Thank you! I love your dress! When Winnie told us about your dress outing she really didn't do It justice!" 

"What can I say?" I ask with a shrug, smirking at Jess. "My friends are hot."

"Eh, careful there Art, you can't go stealing my girl," Mike scolds jokingly, making Jess blush deeply. 

"And we aren't letting you go that easy," Jasper adds, pulling me into his chest. 

"Where are all your other friends?" Alice asks, looking around the room. 

"Eric and Ang are running the music, Jack and his date are dancing, and Tyler and Lauren are probably somewhere grinding on each other," Mike answers, making us all chuckle as I turn, catching Ang's attention. She hits Eric's shoulder, getting his attention before they both turn to me, waving. I wave back, smiling brightly at my best friend. 

"Next!" The photographer calls, Jess and Mike taking their leave to get photographed. 

"Bella and Edward are here," Alice whispers, Jas and I following her eyes to where Bella stands uncomfortably at the door, looking around the room. 

"Edward," I say, just loud enough for the vampire to notice, gaining his attention. I wave him over, him bringing Bella to our side. "How'd he talk you into this? You hate dancing and parties, and basically everything about prom."

"I don't even know," Bells grumbles. 

"Prom is an important rite of passage. I didn't want her to miss anything," Edward answers, chuckling at Bella's attitude. 

"Aw, okay that's sweet. Bella, you have to have a good time now," I insist, her rolling her eyes at me. 

"Bella," Jasper speaks up, Edward already glaring at my boyfriend. "It is also Edward's first prom. May as well make it memorable."

"Bella! You -"


"Oh thank God," She grumbles, pushing me towards the backdrop. "We'll see you later!"

I roll my eyes, shaking my head at her attitude before pulling Jasper and Ali with me, us posing with Jas in the middle for a photo. 

"Three of you? Came as friends?" The photographer asks, eyebrow raised. 

"No," I answer, the most sarcastically happy smile on my face. "This is my boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Really?" He asks, judgment heavy in his tone. 

"Yes, and if you have an issue with that, I can call my father. The deputy."

"No, no problem at all," He assures. "Smile and say prom!" He instructs, moving to take the photo. 

"Prom!" We smile, Alice and I both hugging Jasper's sides. 

"Great, you're all set, photos will be available at the end of the night," The photographer tells, looking at me hesitantly.

"Thank you sir! Have a nice night!" I thank, Alice pulling me away before I can be any more sarcastic. 

"You know you didn't have to do that," Ali comments, pulling us all the way onto the dance floor, Jas following. 

"I'm not letting someone judge me or you two on who we love," I defend, voice solid as stone. "Because I do love you both and that's not a crime or something that deserves the judgment of a small-minded man."

"We love you too," Jasper returns, pecking my lips. 

"Always," Alice adds, also giving me a peck. "Now let's enjoy your junior prom."

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