The Rules of Dean Winchester

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"My pineapple," I answer with a laugh, the look of utter confusion on their faces being funnier than anything I've seen this week. 

"I know we're older and all, but I am most certain that that is not a pineapple," Jasper states, looking to Alice who nods in confirmation. 

"No, I didn't mean the fruit," I assure, unwrapping my hair, it falling down in its mass. "It's a type of hair wrap to protect my curls. My mom used to do it for me when I was little and taught me how to do it myself when I was old enough."

"Ooh I think I've read about this in a magazine!" Alice exclaims, "It's only called that because it's supposed to look like a pineapple, right? And there is a certain way you're supposed to do it to avoiding dents and such," She rambles, obviously remembering this article well. 

"Yeah, yeah, that's exactly it."

"So you just," Jasper starts, running his fingers up through his hair and bringing it into a low ponytail sort of fashion. 

"No, not really," I correct, chuckling at how different he looks with his hair back. "I have to gather my hair into a high ponytail, so you were close to start, and then tie it off with this fabric while leaving the tension as loose as possible to not create a dent in the morning. From here I lean forward and pull the fabric up the back and it leaves my hair in the front while protected in the back like this," I explain, redoing my wrap as I explain it. 

"So you do that every night?" Alice asks, moving closer and running a hand through the front poof of curls. "To keep it as soft and poofy as this?"

"You've got it."

"Well you look as beautiful as ever," Jasper compliments, making me blush as I cross my arms. 

"You're such a liar, I'm literally in no makeup with my hair pineappled and in pajama bottoms that have Harry Potter elements on them," I deny, shaking my head. 

"You're beautiful no matter what you look like, but especially when you aren't trying," Alice compliments, hitting my arm. 

"Stoooop, y'all are being too sweet and I'm trying not to blush too much," I groan, waving my head around. 

"And why would you be doing that?"

"Because blushing is literally the reddening of the cheeks and forehead brought about by increased capillary blood flow in the skin and I don't want the increased blood flow to make you both uncomfortable because I'm sure it's worse enough just being around me so I -"

"Woah, slow down Darlin'," Jasper cuts in, "Your blood is intoxicating, yes, but we care too much for you to ever make a move for it. It would kill us to harm you in any way."

"I- really?" I question, looking between the two vampires. 

"You're our mate, of course we can't hurt you," Alice answers, even moving closer to me and placing her hand on my cheek, her face barely inches from my own and my eyes jumping from her pools of gold to her lips and back.

"Hey, Artie have you- Son of a bitch!" My dad yells, opening the door and causing Alice and I to jump back, him slamming the door shut again. "Artemis Martin Winchester I'm entering your room and you three sure as Hell better be fully clothed!"

"Dean? What is going on?" I hear Cas's voice question from behind the still-closed door.

"Woah woah! Dads! Dad, calm down," I request, jumping up and throwing open my own door, finding the grown man with his eyes screwed shut. 

"Oh, hello Jasper, Alice. Didn't see you two come in," Cas greets, seeing the two who remain on my bed.  

"Oh, hello," Dad mocks, opening his eyes and turning to his husband. "You didn't see them Cas because they didn't come in the front door!" 

"Oh. The window?" 

"That would be correct," Jasper answers, Alice nodding. 

"Okay, I know I'm new to the full time father with a teen daughter thing, but we obviously need to set some rules here," Dad states, pulling Cas in with him. "For starters, use the front door. It's there for a God damn reason."

"Dean, they're children. Language."

"Cas they're over a hundred years old, they're fine," Dad argues, only turning away from my partners and I for a second. "Next up, when you're here, door stays open. No debating this, and all clothes stay the Hell on, also not up for debate."

"Dad come on-"

"Nope, this is my time. Let me parent you, Mini Me," He interrupts, "Uh, hmm what else did I want to say? Cas, any ideas?"

"No being Mini Dean in your relationship," Cas instructs, looking skeptically at Dad. "We all know where that goes."

"Hey!" Dad complains, voice deep. "But he's not wrong. No making out, no sex, none of it under my roof. I know what it's like being a teen, and there's no way you're gonna be teen me 2.0."

"Okay Dad, we get it, be responsible, please make this stop," I beg, a blushing mess. "Mom already gave me sex ed 3.0 without knowing Jas and Alice was around, is this all really necessary?"


"He's just looking out for you," Uncle Sam's voice chimes in from the doorway. 

"Oh yes, let's just make this a party!" I exclaim sarcastically, falling back.

"He used to do it with me all the time, AM. He's just looking out for you to keep you from making the same mistakes he did."

"Sammy, shut your cake hole."

"He's trying to be an intimidating father, Sam. Let him be," Cas scolds, Dad hitting his arm. 

"Boys, boys, we're all adults here, stop acting like children," I scold, the three grown men turning to me. 

"Rules are set. Can you agree to them?" Dad asks, his eyes practically staring into Jas and Alice's souls. 

"Yes sir," Jasper agrees, nodding slightly. 

"Yes Deputy Winchester," Alice agrees as well.

"Good, good," He states, wiping his hands on the side of his pants and looking around the room. "Good... okay, so now that that's set, I'm gonna go. Uh, yeah. Door stays open," He finishes, rubbing the back of his neck before leaving quickly. 

"Like I said, don't worry about him too much. He's just trying to be better than John and have you be better than him." 

"I know Uncle, I'll talk to him in the morning," I assure, him giving me a smile before leaving as well. "Staying Cas?" I ask, asking the only remaining one. 

"No, of course not. Just being sure you're okay?"

"Pops, I'm fine, they're fine, we're fine," I assure, him nodding slightly. 

"I know. You're your father's daughter. I'll see you in the morning," He says, smiling as he leaves, leaving me with Jas and Alice. 

"Sorry about them."

"No need to apologize, Darlin'."

"Jas is right," Alice chimes in. "You have three great guardians who care for your deeply. We couldn't wish for anything else."

I smile, looking between them. "I'm lucky to have them, just like I'm lucky to have you."

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