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Pulling into the school parking lot, I deliberately park as far from the Cullen's as possible. I don't want to see any of them right now. Even Bella is on my nerves. She called me last night as I was making dinner for the guys and I going on about how she heard about how history went and that I should give Alice and Jasper another chance. It had taken everything in me to remain civil long enough to hang up.

"You're really worrying me Art, you're usually so, what the word? Carefree! That's it!" Jack asks, locking the car door from his side as I try to climb out. 

"I'm just- I thought I was getting somewhere with befriending the Cullens, maybe more with Jasper and Alice, and now they look at me like I killed their monkey," I explain, hitting my head against the steering wheel.

"They have a pet monkey?" 

"What? No, they don't have a monkey. Jack, it's an expression," I explain. 

"Oh, okay... Is there any way I can help?" He asks, looking like a sad puppy. 

"Oh no, I'm okay, really J," I try to assure. "Now come on, we're got friends to see and classes to be in," I state, unlocking the doors and climbing out, dropping my keys in a puddle. "Son of a bitch," I grumble, leaning to grab them before a white hand flashed and grabs them before I can. Jerking upward, Jack has walked away and Alice stands leaning against my car, holding my keys. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" She asks simply.

"Appear out of thin air," I elaborate.

"It's not my fault you are unbelievably unobservant," She states with a small smile. 

"I'm a Winchester, we aren't unobservant," I bite back with a scowl. "What's with the morning meeting? Aren't you and your cowboy supposed to be pretending I don't exist."

"We're not pretending you don't exist, Winnie, we-"

"It's Artemis," I correct, the hurt in her eyes as I do so tearing my heart in to pieces. 

"Artemis, right," She states glancing anywhere but at me with her golden eyes. "You were wrong yesterday you know? Jasper could never regret saving you. He cares too much. We both do."

"You both have pretty bullshit ways of showing it," I bite, turning and taking off towards the school. 


"What Alice?"

"I wanted to ask you something but you sidetracked me," She explains with a small smile. 

"What did you want to ask me then?"

"I was wondering if two weeks from Saturday, you know, the day of the spring dance-"

"Are you fucking with me?" I interrupt, wheeling towards her as my wet hair falls in my face as I look down at her. 

"Will you please let me finish?" She requests with a small smirk. I stand silent, allowing her to continue. "I heard you say you are going to Seattle that day and I was wondering if you would like a ride from Jasper and I." This is unexpected. 


"Do you want us to give you a ride to Seattle?" She asks again.

"With who?"

"Well, Jasper and I, obviously," She answers with a chuckle. 


"Jasper and I were planning a trip in the next few weeks and we figured we could save the environment together."

"Honestly, I can't keep up with you two. I thought you didn't want to be my friend?" I question.

"We said it was better that we weren't friends, not that we didn't want to be."

"Oh, wonderful, now I understand!" I exclaim in pure sarcasm. 

"It'd be best for you to not be out friend, but we've given up on staying away from you," Alice explains. "Will you go with us to Seattle?"

I stand for a moment in a shocked silence. "Um... yeah, I guess I can go with you." She smiles brightly, leaning up to kiss my cheek before skipping off.

"See you in class!"

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