Very Own Mystic Falls Vampires

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"Momma, I told you I'd call, I've just been busy," I explain to my mother on speaker, her head shaking as I dry my damp hair with a towel. 

"Too busy to call your own mother? I'm wounded, Baby," She says, everything about her joking. "And be sure you are taking proper care of that hair of yours.  

"I know, I know. And I truly have been busy. Moving is a lot of work."

"I know, but I have so many questions! Are you enjoying it? Have you made any friends?" She questions, and in the back ground I can see her walking by my old bedroom. 

"Yeah, they're all super friendly here. Me and this girl named Angela have gotten super close, and we have these other friends named Mike, Eric, Jess, Lauren and Tyler. And then I'm friends with the Sheriff's girl, Bella, and the Cullen family," I explain, plopping onto my bed on my stomach.

"Sounds like you've found a great crew baby," Mom says, one of the largest smiles on her face. "And these Cullens, that last name sounds familiar, hmm could it be that one of them is the girl and guy your father has been complaining about so heavily?" She asks, smirking as a blush coats my cheeks. 

"See? I knew you didn't call to check in about homework and friends! You've been getting the inside scoop from Dad!"

"Hey! What am I supposed to do when my baby's too busy to call her mom? And where's your scarf?" She asks, noticing that I'd just laid back. I groan, rolling over to grab the satin cloth from my bedside table. 

"Right here," I assure, pulling my large mass of curls up in it, her nodding proudly. 

"Good, I worried your hair care and life skills would deterierate with you living with all men."

"Mom! Come on, you know Uncle Sam spends more time on his hair than we do," I correct, her breaking down laughing. 

"You alright in there, Case?"

"Yes, Daniel, I'm fineee," She drawls out, sounding annoyed before she smiles at the camera. "He misses you you know? We both do."

"I know. I miss you two and Grandma but I enjoy it here."

"Could that have anything to do with your very own Mystic Falls vampires?" Mom asks, smirking as I jump, one of the windows near my window seat loudly flying open. 

"Alice, hush now, you'll spook her," I can hear a southern drawl scold, a cowboy and a pixie suddenly appearing, sitting on my window seat.

"Hellooo, Earth to Artemis, come on baby, spill! Dean told me you found your soulmates! Are you dating them?" Mom asks, bringing my attention back to her after smiling at them. 

"Yeah, yeah, they're my boyfriend and girlfriend. Their names are Jasper and Alice." 

"Hmmm how old are they?" 

"Jasper served in the Civil War and Alice was born in 1901," I answer. 

"Do you know what side In the Civil War?" Mom asks, eyes hard. 

"He was a Confederate solider," I confess, meeting his eyes as Alice grabs his hand. 

"He was a - he supported slavery?!" Mom yells, making me cringe. 

"I- Uh," I look from her back to Jas, hoping he gives me an answer to the question I don't know.

"I never supported slavery. I was supporting my family," He answers softly, not meeting my eyes. 

"He didn't support slavery, Mom. He was supporting his family," I tell her, her loosening the slightest bit. 

"Good. Well, not good that he served for those who fought against our rights but good it was for a good reason. Now, are you being safe with s-"

"OKAY Mom it's been lovely chatting but I really think that's enough," I interrupt, knowing where this is going. 

"Honey, I'm serious. I want to be sure you're being safe. No risking it-"

"Yeah, no I know. Thank you, Mom," I try again, trying to end this sudden sex ed chat with my partners in the room. 

"And make sure they know too. And I'm sure if you need condoms your Uncle or fathers have some you could borrow from."

"Really?" I ask this time, laughing at the suggestion. "Family dinner with Grandma Jody, Aunt Alex, Aunt Claire, Dad and Uncle three years ago, Grandma was telling the girls how important it is to wrap it up and looked to Dad and Uncle for backup and you remember Dad's response? 'Don't look at me, I got a surprise kid'." I look over to Alice and Jasper once more, surprised Mom hasn't noticed and see them stifling laughs. Good, glad this isn't as terribly awkward for them as it is with me. 

"Okay, I get it. Anyways, do you really have to go? I have so many more questions about living in Forks to ask you."

"How about I call you and Dannie while I make dinner tomorrow? That way he can see me too and you both can get caught up," I offer, knowing this call wasn't nearly long enough. 

"That sounds great, Baby. I love you, Grandma loves you, and Dan love you."

"I love you all too. See you tomorrow!" 

"See you!" She agrees before we hang up, me turning to the chuckling vampires. 

"Great timing you have. Just in time for sex ed part three with my mother," I state sarcastically, Alice getting up and pulling Jas with her, them joining me sitting on my bed. 

"It was entertaining, your mother sounds lovely," Jasper assures, me nodding with a soft smile. 

"Yeah, she's pretty great. You two will have to meet her at some point, being my partners and all," I remind. "And I'm sorry she brought up the war it-"

"It was completely justified," Jas interrupts, his eyes hard as he takes my hand. "I fought for the side of the people who wanted African Americans to remain without rights. Her concern was just."

"Okay," I nod, looking between the two. "So, now what?"

"You could tell me what you have on your head?" Alice questions, pointing at my loosely wrapped scarf. 

"It's my pineapple."

"Your what?"

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