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chapter 18; mine


A week had gone by and we were back to Friday again. The past week I had been focusing on school more because I had some tests coming the next few weeks and I needed to be prepared for that. Leah, Stella, and I also had been working on a biology project this whole week and even though it was actually very easy for us three, it was still a lot and I really wanted to get over with it.

I had not seen Justin so much this week either because I was working with the girls on the project and he was very busy teaching Mandy french. If I saw him it was for an hour or two because we were planning the Halloween party that would be at his house tonight. I didn't like that Justin was meeting Mandy so much and even if I was aware that it was just for school reasons, I didn't want that thing with Chelsea to repeat itself. Maybe I was just overthinking and I shouldn't be worried so much and I definitely needed to get my jealousy under control but I couldn't help it. Justin had really not given me a reason not to trust him ever since we made up and I guessed I needed to work with that.

After school, I headed over to Justin's to help him decorate the house for the party. Stella and Leah went with me. Arriving at his house, we immediately started to put everything where it was supposed to be and tried to make this house look very spooky. I already knew it would take us a lot of time for sure. Chaz and Ryan joined us a little bit later to help us finishing everything. We divided the work so we could be done with it quickly.

After two hours we were finally finished with everything. We did good work but I was so exhausted afterwards and I could tell that the others were too. Sitting down on the couch in Justin's living-room, we all grabbed a drink and relaxed.

"I need sleep," Leah said and closed her eyes while leaning her head against Ryan's shoulder.

"Agreed," Stella answered and laid her head on Chaz's lap.

"Girls, the party didn't even start yet," Justin said and laughed.

"How late is it even?" I asked everyone.

"The clock just hit six. The party starts in four hours," Justin let me know.

"Alright, I think we all should start getting ready though," I suggested. "It's going to take us a lot of time with all these costumes and make-up and so on."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Did you all bring your things?" Justin asked and everyone nodded. "Okay then let's get ready."

With that, we all headed upstairs and started to get ready. Justin told us girls to go to the guest room to get ready there while he was getting ready with the boys in his room.

The girls and I wanted to include the Vampire Diaries in our outfits and make them match so we decided that Leah would go as a werewolf, Stella would be the witch and I would dress up as a vampire. Even though we would all go as different creatures we still made sure that there was one thing that would give away that we were matching and that was the color scheme of our outfits.

I got into my outfit first before I then began applying make-up on my face and tried to make myself look like a vampire. Finishing that, I started putting fake blood over my body and bit on my clothes. Then I put some contacts and fake vampire teeth on and I was done with my look. I looked into the mirror and checked if I was alright and I had to stay, I didn't look too bad.

After that, I assisted Stella with curling her hair while she was finishing up her makeup and Leah got some help from us as well and after three hours we were finished with everything. To be honest we were looking really, really good and I was not just saying that because it was us.

Be Mine | EDIT | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now