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chapter 1: new beginnings


I woke up by the sound of the alarm, the sound being too loud for my liking and no matter how hard I tried to ignore it, it was impossible. I immediately sat up and turned the alarm off before I took a glance at the clock to see how late it was. It was 7 in the morning, way too early if you asked me but school started in an hour and I needed to get myself ready to be there on time as I definitely didn't want to be late on my first day.

I got out of my bed and walked straight into my bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, put a tiny bit makeup on my face, and all that. I quickly realized that I needed to wake up a little earlier because I was going to need way more time in the bathroom as I obviously took too long or I could just be a bit quicker but that was definitely not going to happen. Once I was done in the bathroom, I stepped into the closet and quickly looked through my clothes to put an outfit together, and eventually, after a few minutes, I found something decent. I just wore some jeans, a white t-shirt, and pink chucks. I took my pink jacket which matched my shoes and my bag and walked downstairs to make my way to the kitchen where my mother already was in and made breakfast. God bless her.

"Good morning, mom." I walked over to her and kiss her on the cheek.

"Good morning, princess." She said back to me. I sat down on the chair and immediately started eating as I only had 15 minutes to do so before I had to leave for school. "Are you nervous?" My mom asked me. I actually was extremely nervous and if I could stay home I definitely would to avoid talking to people.

"Yes mom, I am so damn nervous," I responded to her before I continued eating my mother made a joke to make fun of my nervosity.

See, me and my mother are basically like best friends so I took what she said not seriously because I knew she wasn't being serious. Me and my mother were very, very close and I was so glad that we had such a great relationship with each other and that I could tell her everything that went on in my life. Growing up, my mother was always at home as my father worked hard every day to make everything that we had possible. My mother decided not to get a job to be a housewife so that she could take care of me and be there for me at all times and that was exactly the reason why we were inseparable now. She was honestly the best person I knew.

Of course, my father was a wonderful man as well. He was there for me as much as he could despite having to work a lot, he showed me all the love in the world and treated me like a princess and losing him must be the hardest thing that I ever had to endure in my life. Thankfully I had my mother by my side and knowing that we had each other was the best feeling one could have.

It made me sad when I saw people not having a good relationship with their parents or a relationship at all because I only knew how great it was to have a relationship with my parents. I grew up in a happy and healthy home and I was surrounded by love that my parents showed me and showed each other all the time and through that, I learned what real love was, how to trust and what it meant to be there for each other through everything and I appreciated that forever.

"No, but honestly it will be fine honey, just be yourself. I bet you will find a lot of friends," my mother went on when I didn't say anything else as I concentrated on finishing my breakfast.

"Maybe, I don't know," I said to her and inwardly hoped that everything was going to be just fine. It probably was and I was just thinking about it way too much. I checked the time and saw that it was time to go to school, so I finished eating quickly before I took the keys to my mother's car and walked out of the house. "Bye, mom," I yelled while walking out and closing the door behind me, and then I hopped into the car and started driving.

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