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chapter 11; difficulties


I slowly opened my eyes the next day, not in the mood to get up to go to school. The reason for that was simply that I was jetlagged and I kept waking up in the middle of the night so when I woke up this morning, I was very tired and had no motivation to even leave the bed but I knew I had to.

I got up and walked into the bathroom like a zombie and got ready for school. It took me a bit longer than usual today but once I was done with everything I walked down into the kitchen where my mother was already making breakfast for us. I quickly ate as I spoke to my mother and then I went up again to take my stuff and go to school. As I took my phone, I saw that I had a message from my cheerleader captain Kristen.

From Kristen
Cheerleading today after school!

I sighed in annoyance because out of all the things that could have happened today, this was definitely one of the worst things because I was not in the mood for it all. We usually had practice Tuesdays so I guessed if she called us all today, it must be really important. I walked into my closet and took my cheerleader costume and put it in a bag so I could take it with me and then I made my way out of the house.

Arriving at school, I parked my car in the parking lot and then I walked into the building and headed to the classroom where I had my first class in. I saw Stella already sitting in her regular seat and I sat down next to her.

"Hey, Stella." I greeted her which made her look up from her phone and smile at me.

"Oh hey. Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Tired. Really tired." I said to her as I sat down and laid my head on the table and she laughed to that. "Do you know why the hell we have practice today? I don't need that."

She shrugged before she responded to me. "I don't even know. I'm not even motivated, not after this weekend though."

I nodded. "I feel you. My motivation on a scale of 1-10 is 0," I rolled my eyes. I might have been a bit too overdramatic but every bone in my body literally didn't want to practice or engage in any physical doings. At least not for this day.

Stella giggled and right then the teacher entered the room. I lifted my head from the table and when the lesson started, I tried my best to be concentrated and not to fall asleep...

I survived the first two lessons successfully and finally, we had our first break so Stella and I walked outside together to go to the place we always hung around at school. We walked over to Leah who was sitting with Sarah and Ashley, two girls from our cheer squad and once we reached them, we greeted them and sat down on the bench. The girls were telling us what we missed in L.A. this weekend since there was another party again and we told them our whereabouts in New York.

We also talked about, well, more like complained about practice today and we all came to terms that we were not in the mood for it at all and that we really had no idea why Kristen called us all on such short notice. It probably had to do with another performance or anything like that.

I felt hands on my shoulders and I turned my head to see who touched me and it was no one other than Justin. I immediately smiled at the sight of him and stood up so that I could go over to him and wrap my hands around his neck to hug him really tight and he hugged me back.

"Hey." He whispered into my ear and that very insignificant action made me shiver.

"Hey, Justin," I said back and slowly pulled away from him. "How are you?"

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