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chapter 10; realization


Waking up the next morning, I sat up and stretched my body. I had woken up earlier than I wanted to and that was probably why I was feeling very tired. Going back to sleep was not going to work for me now anyway because once I was up, I was not able to sleep again so I just laid back down and checked the messages on my phone.

I looked to my right and saw Justin sleeping peacefully on his back, his head tilted to my direction and his mouth slightly opened as his chest was rising up and down in a slow rhythm. To me, he was just so insanely beautiful and the sight of him made me smile wide.  I slowly brought my hand to his cheek and caressed it carefully with my thumb so that I wouldn't disrupt his sleep.

I honestly wanted to wake up like this every morning and it upset me that we had to go back today because I knew that I was not going to have that anymore. I wanted him to be mine and only mine and I had to do something about it but what I was going to do was something I had to think about again because I didn't want to mess it up. Maybe a little bit more time was all I needed to get what I truly wanted.

I removed my hand from his cheek and leaned down so that I could kiss the spot I had just caressed softly. Then I moved my head a little bit to the side and kissed the corner of his lips carefully. It was very bold of me to do that but this was literally the closest I was probably going to get near his lips and I didn't want to do anything else without his consent, no matter how badly I wanted to kiss him. I sighed and backed off a bit before I went back to caressing his cheek softly with my thumb again.

Justin moved and he slowly started to open his eyes as he woke up. He looked at me when he was fully conscious and smiled. "Good morning, my beautiful princess." He spoke lowly in his sexy morning voice that I loved so much.

"Good Morning, Justin," I said, smiling and he kissed my hand that was still on his cheek which made me giggled. "How did you sleep?" I asked him.

"Good. I'm just really tired because we went sleeping late." He responded and stretched his body while we spoke. "How about you?"

"I slept well, thanks. I don't want to get up though." I pouted my bottom lip.

Justin laughed at that, "then stay here with me." He grasped my arm and tried to pull me closer to him so I laid back down and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"You are so beautiful, even when you just woke up," Justin said to me, making my heart beat a bit faster and my cheeks warm up.

"You're so cute, Justin," I giggled, not knowing what else to say and trying to hide my face from him so that he wouldn't see me blush.

"Nah, I prefer being sexy." He said in a low voice and put my hands away from my face so that he could look at me. I had no idea if he was intentionally trying to turn me on but it was definitely working and I didn't know what to do with that so I just stared at him, admiring his beautiful face. He was so perfect and I wanted him so bad. "Babe, how long are you going to stare at me?" He laughed.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Few more minutes? Maybe an hour or so?" I joked and tried to play it cool that I had been caught staring.

"Am I that interesting to look at?"

Yes, I wanted to say out loud but I kept that to myself. "Am I not allowed to stare at my handsome best friend?" I asked him and winked playfully.

He licked his lips and inched closer to me. "Of course you are babe." He whispered into my ear. Adrenaline rushed through my whole body and I got goosebumps. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and he was definitely going to be the death of me. "Just take a picture it will last longer."

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