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chapter 7; weird behavior


Arriving at school the next day, I realized how tired I actually was because we were back home so late and it took me some time to fall asleep as well. When I woke up in the morning it took so much willpower for me to actually get up and get to school but as soon as I arrived here, I wondered why I had not just skipped and stayed home. My mother would have understood after yesterday.


Thinking about last night made me smile so wide and the thought of Justin filled my stomach with butterflies and it didn't really help that I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wished that I knew how he felt about me or if he felt also different about me after since last night but I guessed that I would just wait and see how it was going to go with him. I didn't want to get my hopes up anyway so I didn't look like a fool in case he didn't feel remotely like that.

Walking towards the entrance I greeted a few people I knew before I entered the school and walked down the hallway, to get to my locker. I took out the books that I needed for the first two lessons and then I went looking for Stella and Leah like I always did so we could hang out for a few before the class began since there was a little time left.

Instead of finding them I saw Justin and his friends on the schoolyard and my heart immediately skipped a beat and my stomach was filled with butterflies once again. Justin noticed me and motioned for me to come over to him so I took a deep breath and made my way over to him.

"Hey there, babe. How are you?" Justin said to me when I arrived at where he was and he embraced me into a hug.

"Hey, I'm good. Just a bit tired," I let him know.

"Well, if you would stop thinking about me at night, you would sleep more." He winked playfully and I knew he meant it as a joke but little did he know that he was actually not so wrong with that.

"Oh, hush up idiot." I smacked his shoulder as I laughed and he let out a fake cry and he caressed the placed that I had just smacked very lightly if I may add. He was totally being extra at that point.

"Stop doing that all the time." He said, pouting which I found very adorable but I was not going to cave in on all that fake acting.

"Stop acting like an idiot then." I countered and Justin gave me an angry look at that and we both just looked at each other for a moment before we began laughing out loud. I could just imagine everyone around us thinking we were crazy but we didn't really care and that was what I loved about us, our funny, playful moments together.

After our laughter died down, I wrapped my arms around his torso and he immediately wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He kissed the top of my head, causing my stomach to do cartwheels. It seemed like no matter what he did, I reacted to it right immediately and that made it so clear to me that I was in deeper than I thought I was. Even as we were standing here, I never wanted to let him go.

A few minutes later we pulled away from each other and started talking to one his friends who asked him something and I just stood next to Justin, not really talking much because I was not so cool with all of the people from his team and I also didn't want to interrupt the conversation they were having with each other. I was actually just wondering where my friends were by now but before I could even think about that any further, the school bell rang and it was time to walk to my first class. I said goodbye to Justin and gave him a little kiss on the cheek before I entered the school building.


It was finally time for lunch break and I walked outside to go to the spot where my girls and I usually sat, hoping that I would find them there because I had not heard from them all day which was very unusual. I found Leah and Stella sitting around our table and I walked over to them and sat down next to Leah.

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