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chapter 5; feelings for you



I pecked Chelsea's lips one last time before pulling away and I stood up from the bed that we were lying on. Me and her were secretly meeting sometimes so that the two of us could fulfill our needs. Chelsea wasn't my girlfriend and she would never be, she was just another girl that pleased me well but I actually really liked her as a friend because she wasn't that bad actually but everyone hated her especially Julie.

I usually wouldn't give a fuck but I felt very bad to go behind her back, even after I told her that there wasn't anything between me and any other girl. I knew that I could do what I wanted but lying was definitely not a thing that I should do but I did it anyway.

I didn't talk a lot to her this evening and I kind of ignored her even though I knew she hated when I did that so I decided to go back to the others so that I could spend at least a little of time with her. After the conversation we had today, I didn't want to fuck it up again even if it could maybe be a little too late for that.

"Where are you going?" Chelsea asked, as she sat up on the bed and threw her shirt back on.

"Looking for Julie," I let her know and took my phone on the nightstand so that I could walk out of the room.

I heard Chelsea sigh, "Why do you care about that bitch so much?" She asked me and I turned to her and gave her an angry look.

"Watch it, Chelsea. She is my best friend." I spat.

She rolled her eyes and didn't say anything anymore after that and just got completely dressed. I knew I was always hooking up with girls every now and then but I still cared a lot about Julie and she was always going to come first so I wouldn't allow some girl to insult her and call her any names. I did like Chelsea but she needed to know her place.

I walked out of the room and went back down where the rest of us were supposed to be but no one was there except Leah and I was wondering where everyone else was. I walked over to Leah and pulled her by her shoulder lightly so that she would turn around and look at me.

"Do you know where Julie is?" I asked her and Leah looked behind me before she then looked around.

She shrugged her shoulders. "She was here a few minutes ago, I don't know where she is, maybe outside?"

I simply nodded and made my way to the backyard right away. I looked amongst the people to see if she was there but I couldn't find her anywhere. Frowning, I went back inside and sat down on the couch and taking my phone out, I went to our chat so that I could text her.

To Julie
Babe, where are you?

I send the message.

I waited for 5 minutes.

Then 10 minutes were over.

Half an hour later she still had not answered and I was getting really worried and wondering if anything had happened to her. I walked outside to the front yard and looked for her car but of course I didn't find it so I just hoped she drove back home. I spotted Ryan outside and walked over to him.

"Yo, have you seen Julie? She's not inside and her car isn't here either." I asked, hoping he would at least know where she might be.

He shook his head. "Sorry bro, I have no idea where she is and I haven't seen her in a while either. Maybe she went home?"

"Just like that without telling anyone? She not the type of girl who would just leave like that. You know her." The way I knew Julie I knew she wouldn't do that. She always told us or at least texted if she was leaving, all the time. Something was wrong with her and I needed to find out what was going on.

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