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there will be a lot of pov changes in this chapter

chapter 12 - emotions


School finally ended Friday afternoon and I made my way out of the school and walked to my car to drive home. When I arrived there, I already saw a lot of suitcases in the hallway because my mother was going to Colorado today. I knew that it was only another weekend without her but I was going to miss having her around. Nonetheless, I couldn't be sad because she was going to do what she loved and that of course made me happy.

I saw my mother coming down the stairs. "Hey sweetheart, how are you? How was school?" She asked me while she walked down.

"Hey. I'm good and school was fine." I answered and smiled at her. "I see you're leaving soon?"

My mother nodded, "Yeah, they'll pick me up any second so we can go to the airport."

I helped my mother carrying her baggage outside and while we waited together, we just talked about what exactly it was that she was going to do in Colorado. A few minutes later a black SUV drove into our driveway. Getting out of the car and walking over to us, the driver greeted us and took my mother's things to put them in the car. While he was busy doing that, I said goodbye to my mother.

"So, honey, you know how it goes, don't damage the car and don't damage the house. Your friends can come over but no big parties okay? I trust you." she said, giving me instructions like she always did when she left and I nodded my head to let her know I heard her loud and clear.

"I promise I won't do anything, Mom. Bye. I'll miss you and I love you and please text me when you arrive." I hugged her.

"I'll miss you too. Bye, I love you and I'll do that." She kissed my cheek as she hugged me back and then walked to the car and got in. The car drove away and I waved my mother goodbye until the car disappeared behind the corner and I walked back into my house and headed to my room.

I didn't really know what to do since I was alone now. Stella was going to come over in two hours so I would help her pick out an outfit for the party and in the meantime, I decided to listen to music, very loud music and to tidy up my room and clear out my closet.


I let myself fall into my bed out of exhaustion because I spend almost two hours tidying up and taking care of my closet. I really didn't mind doing that because I had so much time on my hands but damn, I had no idea it was that hard. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Stella texted me.

From Stella
GIRL!!! I'm standing in front of your house for like 5 minutes now. TURN DOWN THE MUSIC and open the damn door. Right. Now.

I laughed at her message but I walked downstairs right away to open the door for her and on the way down I turned the music down. As soon as I arrived downstairs, I opened the door and Stella was standing in front of me.

"You're a witch." was the first thing Stella said when she saw me.

"Oh, hello to you too. Come in." I laughed and stepped to the side so she walked inside my house. Together we walked into my room.

"I see you brought a lot of things," I said, pointing at the big bag she had with her.

"Oh yeah. You need to help me. If I don't have anything good, I have to borrow something from you okay?" She looked desperate which I laughed at because it was just another teenage house party.

"Yes, of course. Show me what you brought," I said to her whilst sitting down on my bed and waiting for her to present to me her outfits.

Stella opened her bag and took several dresses out and some jeans and shorts and blouses and even shoes. I had no idea how everything could fit in that bag but that was just another Stella talent I guessed.

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