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chapter 25; forever you and i


• June •

When I woke up and saw the sun shining inside my room I realized that today was my last full day in California. Time had gone by really fast, it felt like yesterday that I had prom and tomorrow I was already leaving the country.

This day was going to be very busy. I had to pack the rest of my things that I didn't get to pack yet and then I had to meet my friends for the last time later today. It was truly hard to believe that it was the last day with them.

After my usual morning routine, I had breakfast quickly before I headed back to my bedroom and took one of my many suitcases. The only thing left to get ready was basically the rest of my clothes. All the furniture that I wanted to take with me and half of my clothes were already in Canada so I only had to take care of the things that were left here. At times like this, I hated having so many clothes because going through all of them was just so much work.

I was not planning to take all my clothes with me, some of them were going to stay here for whenever I came back to visit my mother and some were going to be donated. So I made three piles of clothes, one for the things I was going to keep in Los Angeles, one for the clothes I was taking with me and one for the things I was going to give away.

When I had sorted everything out, I filled my suitcase with all the things meant for Montréal before I took care of the other clothes and around good two hours later I was completely done everything.

Exhausted I walked out of my walk-in closet and went back to my room. I took my phone that I had left there and saw that I had a few missed calls from Stella and a message from her.

From Stella
I don't know what you are doing or where you left your phone but I just wanna tell you that I'm coming over at 6. Better be home if you're not I'm going to find you xxx

I shook my head and laughed at my best friend's silly text before I typed a message back and send it.

From Julie
I'll literally hide from you. I'm home and going nowhere so I'll see you then baby girl xxx

I laid down on my bed and checked my socials on my phone for a while until I decided to tidy up my room to leave it clean before I left and after I was done with that I rewarded myself with watching series until my best friend arrived here.


Around 6 in the evening the doorbell rang and Stella arrived just as she said she would. I opened the door before I hugged her and asked her to come in and then we both walked up the stairs. We were about to enter my room when she told me that she had forgotten her phone in her car so she went back to go and get it while I already stepped into my room and waited for her to come back.

It took her 5 minutes to be back and when she came into my room she sat down next to me on my bed. She quickly typed something on her phone and then she turned to look at me. "Are you excited about tomorrow?"

I nodded, "very. It's still unreal to me that I'm really going."

"Yeah, you are leaving me alone here," Stella said, giving me a sad look and pouting her bottom lip.

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