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chapter 8; city that never sleeps


School was finally over for today after the 5th period and the lessons finished early due to all our teachers having a meeting which I was very grateful for so I quickly made my way home.

Today was finally the day I was going to New York with my best friends and I was so excited to finally be in one of my favorite cities ever. It was literally all I could think about the past two days. The fact that I got to spend some more time with Justin had been on my mind a lot as well and I would have some time to find out more about my feelings towards him.

Arriving at home at around 12:35 pm I went straight to my room so I could get a few smaller things done. I had packed everything I needed for the stay the day before so that I didn't have to do it today since I didn't have that much time.

I took one of my bags that I was going to take with me and began putting small important things that I was going to need on the flight like my wallet etc and as I was doing so I heard a faint knock on my door and my mother entered my room.

"Hey honey, are you excited?" She asked me when she walked over to me and hugged me since we saw each other for the first time today.

"Yeah, even more than that," I responded to her answer as I smiled at her. "When are we leaving?" I then asked my mother. She was going to be the one to drive me so that I didn't have to leave my car in an airport parking lot over the weekend.

"It's already 1 PM so in a few minutes since it will take us a few minutes to arrive at the meeting point and I don't want us to be late because of LA traffic," my mother explained to me.

I nodded, letting her know that I understood. Before my mother walked out of my room, she was so nice and took my suitcase and a few other things of mine with her so that she could put in the car already so I didn't have to worry about that, which I was very grateful for.

I checked again if everything I needed was in my bag and once I was good to go, I took my jacket and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. I jogged down the stairs quickly and walked outside where my mother was already waiting for me in the car. As soon as I got in, she started the car because we didn't want to lose much time and we headed to Jodie's House, which was a restaurant on the highway.

I was glad that the traffic wasn't too crazy today because half an hour later we arrived at the location Justin said we should meet, and we were there on time.

My mother and I walked inside the place to see if the others were there already but I couldn't find them anywhere, probably because we were a little too early. In the meantime, my mother and I ordered something to drink and waited for my friends to arrive.

Shortly after I saw Ryan and Chaz walk inside the restaurant together and I called for them to draw their attention and when they looked in my direction, I waved them over to us and they immediately came over.

"Hey boys," I greeted them and hugged them both.

"Hey." They said in unison.

"Chaz, Ryan this is my mother Nicole. Mom this is Chaz and this is Ryan." I said, introducing them to each other.

They greeted each other with a hug and told each other that it was nice that they finally met and my mother of course said that I told her a lot about the boys and they definitely wanted to know what that was all about.

It was good for my mother to meet the boys because then she would have a face to the people I always tell her about and I knew that it would definitely make her feel comfortable to know who the people are that I spent so much time with.

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