Chapter 11 - Frank Pukes on a Monster

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Frank's POV

Frank’s legs turned to jelly as he heard the monstrous cries of the Arai drawing in. It was the original 3 that had attacked them earlier, now muttering curses under their breath, getting louder and more vicious as they drew nearer. The arai were as dark as Nyx herself (Though Frank had never seen Nyx) but eyes gleaming with malice. The cave that they had been standing in began to rumble and the green glow eerily still glowed, brighter and more luminous. The neatly paved cobblestone began to crumble into dark obsidian chunks, and water began to pass through their feet. Well, not really water but that Drought of Dead Living stuff Alison said earlier. The poison began to burn through their shoes, creating holes to where the toes would be. Alison spotted a large chunk of obsidian, yelled what sounded like WINGS ON LEVI SODA and levitated both Percy and Frank on to the chunk of rock where they were safe from poison for the mean time. But they still had the issue of the arai. Large talons and heavy leathery wings pointed sharper than knives swiped and scratched their faces, as Alison made way to get through the passageway in which they came through. ‘Percy, do your water thing. Frank, keep them distracted!’ Alison shrieked as one arai with a particularly nasty looking wound on it’s right wing brandished it’s yellow teeth for Alison. Alison deflected it with a shield charm, but still left a lasting impression of garlic. Frank yelled the quickest thing that came to his head as Alison steered for the small door way ‘Um, hey! Garlic Breath! Over here!’ Frank screamed. Who dare calls me by the name of 'Garlic Breath' the black Arai hissed, I am the Great Daughter of Nyx, one who was slaughtered by Percy Jackson. Me and my sisters have come for vengeance. The other 2 shrieked, blood curling cries which made Frank's skin turn inside out. Vengeance is sweet, The other, poison green arai howled, as dark poison dripped from the eyelids of pitiless black dots. Gross. The black arai suddenly lunged for Percy with out warning, yellow fangs dripping with blood drawing near to Percy's terrified face, and suddenly they were pushed through the stone archway and into the cavern below them. ENOUGH PLAYING YOU FOOLISH HEROES, Arai screeched, tinged an unhealthy yellow flew in rage to the trio, DEATH IS INEVITABLE. Percy jumped and stabbed the bugger right in the chest. Percy's eyes started to twitch uncontrollably, Percy yelled I'm good, so Frank didn't need to worry. It died with a blood curling yell and it's dust fell into the rushing waters below. Now, more than 50 arai were filling the dark cavern, echoes of the leathery wings filled the cavern so heavily on flap could not be distinguished from the other. "RUN!" Alison barked, and the took off down the corridor they had came from, ''ALL THOSE YEARS OF TRAINING AND YOU CAN'T REMEMBER HOW TO RUN? PERCY THAT WAS A GOOD KILL BTW!" My sweet Alison, you also had many years of training. How awful if you were to forget all of it? The black arai taunted, but Alison still ran, if not faster. 'Not the best strategy, fighting in a closed area,' Frank muttered under his breath. Alison suddenly stopped, grabbed both Percy and Frank by the neck, and did what they called disapparating. The wizards did it all the time, but Frank could not see the appeal. It felt like his organs were being rearranged and pulled multiple directions.  Bile was rising in his throat, rising fast until an Arai suddenly appeared in front of him and Frank let lose. Bits of his last lunch (Taco Bell) could be identify able and it landed in the monster's eyes and gaping mouth. You wretched fool the Arai cursed, hissing maniacally. It clawed it's eyes and Alison immediately saw an opportunity and took it, 'Avada Kevadra.' A flash of green light flew from her wand and disintegrated the struggling arai immediately, yellow dust fell, scattering the ground with tainted monster blood. Alison's eyes went blank and unfocused, then resumed back to her greyish blue shade.

Alison's POV

Alison struck the monster with a curse she had used before on none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. Alison remembered the kill as if it was yesterday, once those cursed words left her mouth, she regretted it as the dark, pale woman exited Life's warm hands and into Death's cold ones. Even though it had ridded the woman who had haunted her life, killed her beloved grandfather and tortured Hermione at the Malfoy Mannor, she vowed never to use the spell again. Now she used it, she broke her own vow, the vow was not sealed by magic, but it broke her soul metaphorically to use it again. Once the monster fell, Alison expected someone's dying curse to be laid upon her. She had not killed many people, but Bellatrix's death was the first time she had used the spell. But the curse was not subtle, but a heavy emptiness filled Alison, she was intoxicated by blankness. Somewhere, slowly, something was being removed. A large part of her life, memory and joy was being filled with nothing. Gone, stolen, robbed. Once the feeling of blankness had passed over, like a particularly nasty cold, Alison felt fine. But the emptiness stayed, and Alison hoped it would remove itself and fill, after time.

Percy's POV

Percy and Frank watched Alison's blank face experience different emotions like a cartoon slide. Percy did not expect a huge curse,  as Alison would barley hurt a fly on the ship. But then again, Percy had never seen her in battle mode, and was scared to find out what curse had been laid upon the girl. The arai were almost happy, screeching with what Percy passed off as shrieks of joy. This was not looking good for Alison. ''What the frick are you doing? There's a battle going!'' Alison yelled out suddenly, and the arai attacked and the quiet spell had been broken. The girl shall never recover, the arai cackled in glee and swooped down to lunge at Percy's chest. Percy sliced it's wing and it fell stupidly down the open hole that the trio had fallen down earlier. Cold chills past through Percy's body as it landed with a sickening yet satisfying crunch of bones. Percy checked on Alison, who was rounding the arai up with a conjured rope. Frank was sneezing uncontrollably as he shot the next arrow into the arai's arm. More than anything, Percy wished that Bob was here. The peaceful ones take the most time to reform, a distant voice called at the back of his mind. Percy's heart suddenly filled with joy, as Bob would reform and maybe one day Percy'd be able to see him again! The peaceful will never regenerate you absurd boy, The arai cursed. Another flew in and chanted hysterically, New master, new rules. Execution of all demigods and magical beings who are ludicrous enough to take on me! With new determination, and revenge for Bob Percy charged at the next arai. Percy plunged his Riptide in the monster's lower abdomen, and sickening cries filled the setting sun's air. Percy suddenly saw darkness, and stars. 

  Percy regained consciousness moments later, when Frank slapped him repeatedly on the face to wake up. ''Wake up you Seaweed Brain, they're gone,'' Frank said lazily, and progressed to punching him know where. This violent action jolted Percy up right immediately, and punched Frank right in the chin. The jaw sounded a sickening crunch. Smoke was coming from Frank's ears, not because he was angry, because they had been cursed there. ''Dude, you look like Thomas the Tank Engine,'' Percy muttered hazily, ''They're gone?'' // ''Obviously. Alison Vanished them once they got in that net. You just slept,' Frank replied sorely, nursing his jaw, ''Who puts this as a dying wish...I hope Frank Zhang gets smoke pouring out of his ears!'' // ''Probably the katoblep cows you killed in Venice, Italy,' Percy said, giggling. As Percy mentioned katoblep, the smoke turned green Alison joined them and repaired Frank's jaw. ''There's not much to do about the smoke, I'm sure there's a spell about fixing it-or potion, take your pick. I suggest we disapparate, less chance of ambush,'' Alison chimed in, ''I know you aren't big on it, but we've kinda got no choice.'' // ''Alison, you haven't got any curse on you?'' Percy asked curiously. Alison  looked calm and peaceful. ''I'm fine actually, maybe they don't affect witches,'' She replied. Percy doubted it, he remembered the arai's hissing, the girl will never recover. Percy never hoped to encounter them again, in Tartarus was enough. They disapparated into the sunset, on to the beach some meters away from the shining Calypso's Comb. Percy immediately caught sight of Annabeth's stormy grey eyes, filled with worry and anxiety, blonde hair flowing free in the wind as she waited for her better half to come home. I should really write Fan fiction, Percy thought, grinning.

THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS CHAPTER!!! It's one of my favorite so far, especially because of the switching of the POVs. Keep following this story, to see what Alison has been cursed with! Trust me, it's gonna break your heart ;). I love you all so much, and remember to keep doing thee awesome, voting, adding to libary and COMMENTING! As you can see, I've decided on Danielle Campell to play Alison :D. Sorry to keep you wonderful people waiting, I had lots of exams. See you soon, -Misty-Eyed

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