Chapter 16 - Gone.

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Alison's POV:

" TRAV̱MA ACENDE," A sharp voice yelled in her ear. She was lifted in a whirlwind of purple clouds, suspended in air with out her conscious knowing. Alison saw a misty image of an old man, so familiar yet aged until she felt a overwhelming desire to sleep. She heard chinks of swords and screamings of incantations and passed into a slumber. She felt her back whip against the winds as she was drugged into an uneasy and vile memory.

Adgeor Mavis was certainly a remarkable young wizard, he had just graduated from Durmstrang that previous summer before the murder of Osdore Vega, Alison's beloved grandfather. But many questions were asked as to how such a bright wizard turned into one of the slyest, cunning Death Eater to roam the Earth. He worked behind an iron curtain but never did anything irrational, besides use a familiar killing spell on Osdore Vega. Mavis and Vega family tension all started with an unknown origin, but many believe the myth that a careless Vega injured a potentially powerful baby Mavis. Another popular contender of the myth lies a Vega of great beauty left a particularly un-charming Mavis in search of true love. Many myths shroud the Vega family, all shockingly close to the gruesome truth. Alison remembered the flash of green light as the life faded from her grandfather, the spell nearly hit her though it was clear it was intended for her. Alison realised she was hugging a dead body, cold and lifeless. The only thing warm from the gentle touch was a beautiful silver hummingbird locket, on the inside engraved with a careful and elegant hand, "Sweet Allie." The little girl sat on the floor and started with blissful ignorance with yells of "WAKE UP!"

"He won't wake," a powerful voice spoke behind her shoulder. This mysterious voice conveyed darkness, emotions of hatred and anger. It seemed that the temperature seemed to lower where he stepped and the brightly lit pastel lanterns seemed to lose their burning intensity. A shadowy face stooped over Alison's young one. "Do you know what dead is, girlie?" The voice, clearly a male spoke again. Alison didn't say anything out of fear. Alison was told stories about being so terrified you couldn't speak. To her mind, how could fear be a factor to block speech?! But she knew now. Pure terror rushed through her veins as he walked around her. "Come on dearie, you're smart," The hooded figure said softly behind her back, "Do you know what dead is?" Beads of respiration formed on her forehead despite the chilling atmosphere. He was right, Alison was smart. Despite not having a wand she was able to perform wandless magic, such as being able to make a flower grow and change colour, perhaps trance an animal such as a bird to fly into her garden. An average wizard or witch her age would only be able to sprout an abundance of green leaves from an obscure muggle plant. Without hesitation Alison threw the warm metal locket aiming straight at the area where his eyes would be. At that moment, the heavy wooden doors swung open, another body lay by the feet of Alison's mother. "Get away from my daughter," Evangeline hissed savagely. The locket hit the unidentified male briefly until thick black smoke engulfed him and he disappeared. The only traces that was left was the lingering smell of black pepper and a dented hummingbird locket. A small voice emerged from the sobs, cried into a tender mother's cloak. ".....Wh-who was t-that m-man?"

"FATHER," an anguished cry came from the corner. Alison knew that voice to be her father's and she heard footsteps rushing near her, where the body lay. "Gulping gargoyles!" Evelyn shrieked in a shocked voice-to shocked to cry. "RENNEVERATE!"

Alison awoke shaking, face dampened by tears. She was in a dark, tungsten metallic cell but the worst was the spikes. Spikes prohibited her from seeing the outside world so the only thing she saw were sharp, pointed figures. All varied in shape and size, rather like stalagmites in a cave. But they all achieved the same goal: to intimidate. The gears in her mind started to work-somebody had to be in the room to shock her from her treacherous slumber. "Hello?" Alison yelled, "Is anybody there?"

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