Chapter 15 - 60 seconds

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Ron's POV

Ron instantly saw blood, covering Hermione and Reyna. Flecks of blood had leeched onto their hair and armor, disgusting and fresh. Hermione and Reyna had been the last to Apparate onto the boat. Nobody so far had been injured, but Ron's hopeful theory that nobody had a life threatening injury was proved wrong as Reyna turned. A large, gaping hole on her shoulder, alarmingly close to the neck, filled with blood, but punctured so deep bits of white, pearly bone were visible in the scarlet mess. Hermione's loud gasp alerted the rest of the crew members and Jason had just enough time to catch Reyna as she fell, paler in the afternoon sunlight. "No no no no no," Jason said, voice unsteady, shaking Reyna's lifeless body. "Jason don't do that," Piper said, softly, almost gagging as blood poured like a disgusting fountain. Alison and Harry had just appeared on deck (Ron smirked, though he knew full well Alison was in the library reading Wizard Fiction and Harry was trying to get into Alison's heart by reading the same books. Hey, reading the same book and liking it will get you into any fangirl's heart.) and Alison's eyes widened, grey eyes full with shock, and almost knowing. Instantly her hands were on Alison's throat, ripping the black cord which held a quartz gem on. Alison ran with a fierce intensity toward Reyna and the crumbling figure of Jason and yelled, "JASON GET OUT OF THE WAY." Jason stayed where he was, "No! Nothing can bring back a vampire!" Jason said, near tears. Nico seemed to know what Alison was doing, and so did Ron. "You've got ten seconds, Alison," Nico said quietly.

"Ten seconds for what?"Jason said, eyed filled with fear. Alison smirked, "Well, you've got half a second to get out of the way, or you meet the Batnasatia!" The Bat Bogey Hex was unleashed and Jason immediately fled as boogers began to attack his face. Alison tapped the quartz gem with her wand with shaking hands and the gem immediately broke above Reyna's scarlet wound. The wound was fixed through Pheonix tears, Ron knew this as he had witnessed Alison's mother gift each of her daughters this precious vial of life saving tears. Alison had wanted to use it on him, when his arm had been splinched, but Ron turned her down, saying it wasn't worth it. Slowly and with caution, Alison stepped back and muttered the counter-jinx for bogeys to stop attacking Jason.No imprint was left on the son of Zeus' face. "She'll wake when vampire blood passes her system, for example she vomits or excretes it out," Nico said without emotion, "Had you waited one second longer, Alison, there would be no hope to save her. The poison from the vampire blood would have killed her. Now we have hope." Alison was looking at Reyna's bloody wound, now closing and leaving a pale patch of skin. "I'll get her," Alison said shakily. Reyna was magicked on a stretcher. Alison glanced at Harry, finally with adoration Alison had in her eyes all those years they were together. Silently Reyna was on a floating stretcher, whilst Alison took her down to the infirmary. "You have one minute, to save a person from becoming a vampire," Ron said, knowledgeably, "Precious sixty seconds is all it takes for the vampire poison to kill a human being. Alison knew."

"Reyna's body is fighting. It died for those fifty seven seconds," Nico muttered. "Why did Alison know such a dark thing?" Percy asked Ron innocently.

"Her mother was bitten by one near after Dumbledore died. Alison obviously tried to help, but she was too late," Ron replied. Harry, Ron and Hermione sped down to where the infirmary where Alison was staring at Reyna, glassy eyed. "I remember now," Alison said, dreamily, "I know you, Harry." Her eyes stayed fixed at the shoulder of Reyna, trance-like. "I remember my mother. Father. Evelyn even. Every single detail, crystal clear."

"The shock of seeing a vampire bite might have startled the memory," Hermione said gently, "I think Reyna may be similar to Bill Weasley." Alison nodded, eyes still blank and pale. Ron glanced at the wound, now pale, soft skin had enclosed the gaping hole entirely. "Odd, a vampire bite's few antidote is one of the rarest ingredients of the world, where as a werewolf bite can be antidoted by some foul smelling paste," Ron said jokingly. "I don't think antidoted is a word, Ron," Percy replied, smirking in the doorway, "How's Reyna?"

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